General Discussion

General Discussionbest pos 3 to spam 3-4k?

best pos 3 to spam 3-4k? in General Discussion
Impulsive 3k addict.

    Faceless void requires a single ally who is good, especially with a melee team. Lc and necro can't contest farm unless the enemy support is awful. KOTL cant carry. Lone druids efficiency window is 40 minutes before the average 3k match finishes, so you can expect stuff like force/blink vanguard axe even if you win your lane 1v2.

    I know i'm overthinking it, but i've never played an actually good match of dota so I don't know what's what. As far as I know, slark is going to get 50 minutes of freefarm no matter what happens, and there's not a single offlaner I can pick to counter it. The general rule of thumb in 3k is the greedier team will probably win, but that isn't showing in my pos 3 performances.

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      axe magnus weaver

      Impulsive 3k addict.

        I can definitely see mag. Can push, farm, teamfight, scale. All you have to do is manage mana. You will rarely get solo picks on enemy pos 1 but they're going to get freefarm anyway. Cool.

        Weaver also seems like a nice greedy pick. Axe can jungle fast if he gets shut out.

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          Centaur Warrunner


            no void doesnt require any allies who are good smh, it just requires your team not to entirely depend on your chrono to win, so if you get a pickoff or 2 using the chrono you can easily win the fight afterwards.

            and i think that slark kinda stuggles against offlaners if he doesnt have a skilled and a well picked support with him

            ah wait pos 3. sry .

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            yung griphook

              Slardar and Cent are two top tier offlaners right now


                If slark is particularly the one you want to counter, a bloodseeker offlane is a niche pick. But in general, slardar and centaur is hot at the moment.


                  spam jungle.
                  ursa is n1


                    i suppose tidehunter does fairly well vs slark, you cant zone him with only one support, especially something like omni, and slark cant really solo kill easily because he resist too much r-click damage

                    oh-oh-oh, LONE DRUID. I remember waga was playing it and completely rekd the enemy safelane slark. lik if his support leaves lane, ld completely dominates it.

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                      If you're going duals, anything with axe/undying and the safelane shouldn't get more than 30cs in 10 mins. Just look for the best guy in their team and try to shut him down


                        omni and trust me

                        Player 404335202

                          Terrorblade ... Omni ... Abaddon !

                          Negative Mental Attitude

                            Weaver is very good. You can get many easy kills in lane because 3k supports are beyond braindead

                            Hrafna-Flóki Vilgerðarson

                              Have to agree about Omni offlane :) You just can't lose your lane, if you aren't getting zoned out too much. As soon as you reach lvl 5 - that's a double kill(Triple if they trilane). People just don't get how strong omni is, at this bracket. Check this post .


                                TB offlane is complete garbage unless you're going up against like an AM+Dazzle


                                  Sk, nyx, slardar.. Actually all offlaner hero are good. Its depend situation and how good you use the potential the hero you play.



                                    I've also had success with Undying and Dark Seer.


                                    TB offlane is complete garbage

                                    Don't agree on Omni offlane either. He gets zoned pretty easily and has no real way of coming back. Definitely not pos 3 material.

                                    BIG OUNCE *REAL STREET NI₲₲A

                                      TB/ Invoker


                                        wtf omni is only played in pos 3 in pro games last i checked xD

                                        and why nobody back me up on lone druid is it really bad? not against trilane sure but 1v2 against some carries surely an auto-win hero (he can pull the creeps with his bear, its like free farm)

                                        oh yeah, i think you cant chase omni nor stun him, and he has a heal.

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                                          He can work as a situational pick but there are better pos 3 offlaners.


                                            slardar lol


                                              Axe. Even if u get shut down hard, he can do wonders with just a blink and a good call. Slardar is better as a pos 4 I reckon


                                                is omni even useful as a support, though? slow ultimate, all splls scale very well with levels (and are almost useless without any...), can't win the lane by himself...

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                                                Président® Salted Butter



                                                    Try ld tb jugg


                                                      sk cent and underlord r all good

                                                      actually if ur a rly damn good playmaker, people in 3k are not braindead enough to follow up on a good play

                                                      Ryan Gosling Fan

                                                        DOOM is too short (minimum is 6 characters)