^why jungle a good laning hero
Also bf and midas r so garbage on alch is disgusting.
Pretty sure u jungle and gank as a semi core alch, build something like boots medallion phase wand/raindrops solar crest sb/blink then aura's like vlads and crimson or whatever u need. I wud take level one acid spray, take lvl 1 of stun when u want to start ganking, otherwise take greed, then max stun. Skip lvl 10 talent its ass. Also thought abt a greedier support build of boots sr tranq with more acid spray or smth.
The thing about jungling an alche (instead of soacking mid's exp) and at the same time having the biggest gpm of all in the end of the game if you manage to pull it off is an upcoming, amazing strat i think.
For the same reason that you jungle a bs instead of laning him. Simply, there are better heroes to do that.
for the first 20 mins
20 mins is enough for the enemy team to deathball 5v4 and take control of both jungle
Is Naga woods a thing now?
If she is uncontested and her team able to not die a lot for the first 20 mins i believe her farm is unrivaled from mid-game and on. I used to mock naga woods in the past but now i think it might be the next trend for the junglers.
Is Rubick woods a thing now?
If he is uncontested and his team able to not die a lot for the first 20 mins i believe his farm is unrivaled from mid-game and on. I used to mock rubick woods in the past but now i think it might be the next trend for the junglers.
Is timbersaw woods a thing now?
If he is uncontested and his team able to not die a lot for the first 20 mins i believe his farm is unrivaled from mid-game and on. I used to mock timbersaw woods in the past but now i think it might be the next trend for the junglers.
CK woods is a thing now!!!
If he is uncontested and his team able to not die a lot for the first 20 mins i believe his farm is unrivaled from mid-game and on. I used to doubt CK woods in the past but now i think it might be the next trend for the junglers.
If the same alch built better items, and didn't die in the jungle you would have lost.
Not to say it is "a thing" but ofc it is doable. Just like jungle CM is doable.
6 minute midas on alc is pretty bad right
like if you are gonna get midas on alc shoudnt you be shooting for 5 minute one? not that its good anyway.
a min 9 is a sh|t on a carry, specially on alchemist u know?
also, he is better with a bounch of deathball heroes which can use agh scepter.. i mean, he can jungle but isnt the best
only jungler i happy to be with (core jungler) : Bloodseeker , Axe
LC , WK , LS can go fuck themself
theres some 6.2k retard with a zillion jungle alch games and if he isnt completely shit on he wins solo
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If he is uncontested and his team able to not die a lot for the first 20 mins i believe his farm is unrivaled from mid-game and on. I used to mock alche woods in the past but now i think it might be the next trend for the junglers.
Games that i got afraid of his farming potential even if i managed to kill him:
1. https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/3016257978
He had 11-min fury with a 0-2 score at that point. Won him
2. https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/3018423229
He had 9-min midas, 18-min radiance with a 0-5-2 score at that point. Lost
3. https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/3047340955
He had 6-min midas, 16-min radiance with a 0-3-1 score at that point. Won him barely