General Discussion

General DiscussionNew Naga Siren Hack

New Naga Siren Hack in General Discussion

    The illusions auto-farm when created. Skip to 20:16 when they get radiance. Anyone else ever see this hack? Need to be VAC banned.

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    casual gamer

      and yet here she is in normal skill


        It was funny, because they still lost. I guess cheating can't make up for lack of skill. I have neither cheats nor skill :(

        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

          Normal skill or not cheating ruins the game for other players


            what do you mean by auto farming

            one syllable anglo-saxon

              he probably means they spread out to camps upon creation, saving a player a whopping 5 seconds of their time


                Well, the illusions go auto-farm all camps/lanes that they can farm automatically without user input. It surely saves much more than 5 seconds if you were to actually watch the video.

                one syllable anglo-saxon

                  what video



                    Look up the match ID on dota, download the replay, and skip to 20:16.

                    one syllable anglo-saxon

                      it surely doesn't take a lot of time to press 3-4-5-6(or whatever groups u have assigned to ur illus) and order them to farm a camp

                      one syllable anglo-saxon

                        im not gonna do that rofl fuck off


                          Lol what the hell is wrong with you? Anyway, I wanted to share this hack that people can be on the lookout for. Sorry if you won't look up the replay, but I could really care less.


                            did you actually watch the replay with player perspective or are you making this claim on what you viewed through your own perspective


                              Yes I spectated it live which is how I first noticed it, and then watched the replay several times to confirm. It's a valid claim... I guess I need to make a youtube video for the lazy.

                              Marduk From Theia

                                I watch the replay, here is the steam profile go all and report this is actually a hack:


                                Dire Wolf

                                  are you sure there's not just a script that makes them move to points? I guess if you watched from player perspective you'd know though


                                    The player has no input on illusions. It would appear that they push a pre-defined key that activates all illusions to go to certain spots and farm. Once they get done farming one place, they'll move to another. I guess that would be a script? It still seems like cheating to me regardless.

                                    one syllable anglo-saxon

                                      quick tutorial on how to "cheat":

                                      1)press q
                                      2)press hotkey for ur illusion
                                      3)hold shift
                                      4)move and then a-move to camp
                                      5)repeat 3)-4) for the other camps
                                      6)repeat 2)-5) for the other illus

                                      viola ur illusions are now farming auomatically!!!!!

                                      (yes i understand this is a one-button script doing this instead of the player nobody cares either way its not fucking important especially if ure normal skill)


                                        You are saying that in order to automatically farm, you need to manually go through 6 different steps? I'm not sure you understand what the word "automatic" is. I'm also not sure how skill has anything to do with cheating. You seem to be very defensive for no other purpose than to troll.

                                        one syllable anglo-saxon

                                          automatic means that when they are done with one camp they move to another
                                          i played naga 3 times in my life and doing this for all illusions took me like 10 seconds at most, i'm pretty sure a naga player can do it super quickly without batting an eye, this script doesn't have a high impact

                                          i was referring to normal skill because in ns the impact of this script is super low compared to playing with ur brains on


                                            Ok now it is 10 seconds. Anyway your input in this conversation is worthless. The point is, regardless of skill level or time that it takes to do, they are using a hack and that is final. Now people know.

                                            one syllable anglo-saxon


                                              good luck in life man


                                                As a former Naga player, I can tell without even looking that it's just a naga player doing naga things.

                                                You see, "control groups" are a thing you use to control all of your units in specific manner. Most micro intense heroes use them, I.E. Meepo, Naga, TB, and AW.

                                                The fact you don't understand/see this is beyond belief. At best, he's using a notsoworthwhile script to auto farm places. At what is the most sensible thing, during the cast time of Mirror Image, he selected his control group hotkeys to tell each and everyone of his illusions to go farm specific camps before they spawn. You can do that shit with naga. I use to do it to have all 4 of my images scatter when I would get ganked/bad spot.

                                                It's a mechanic of the game. Nothing more. Stop being VAC happy cause you lost a match from lack of coordination. (Or if you won said match, don't be bitching at high Skill farming heroes that get items really fast and caused you trouble all game.)


                                                  Also it's Normal skill. If you have to hack to maintain your NS rating, then sorry bud. Maybe Dota 2 isn't the game for you.


                                                    Watch the replay from his perspective and tell me he is using any control groups, lol. You guys are making assumptions without watching. Guess I'll make a youtube video since a majority refuse to watch the replay. It is 100% a hack or script.

                                                    I also did not play the game, I was a spectator.

                                                    THanks for your assumptions though, even though they were completely off base. You read the title and made all your assumptions without reading anything else.

                                                    It's hilarious that the ones with the opinions on this hack are the ones who don't even watch the video.

                                                    이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                      No I read everything up to this point thus far. The thing I can conclude that you have a stick lodge up your smug ass so far up that you dismiss reason, and want your ban too bad.

                                                      What did this person do to the point you pretty much stalked his game and want to watch it and claim this Naga player is hacking? Most dota 2 matches that are featured are either pro players or high MMR.

                                                      What's your angle? I'm curious.


                                                        If it makes you feel better, I'll download the video when I get off work here in a bit. Nothing brings me more joy than seeing an idiot crash and burn in his own debate.

                                                        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                          Please prove me wrong. I was spectating my friends game waiting for him to get done so I could join up with him and noticed it. I would hardly consider that stalking.

                                                          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                            MCMhalcyon, it is you who didn't read Neko's post.
                                                            Neko said he did use scripts, and it is possible that this Naga is using one too - just telling her illusions to go to a specific camp before splitting.
                                                            I know scripts are kinda controversial, but as far as my knowledge goes, you aren't cheating. Just using an element of the game that most don't. I know I want Eul's scripts on Sniper players + some 100% support players should be either fixed or smth.

                                                            But there are plenty of examples of this. For example, the minimap; its there, usable, but not everyone uses it.

                                                            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                              My bad, I didn't know scripts were allowed in the game. Sorry.


                                                                Just finished watching it

                                                                Just a script that A moves to special points in the map.

                                                                Again, stupid trigger happy idiots wanting a ban for no reason.


                                                                  Get scripts so I don't have to be good?


                                                                    Get off that cheat and he will have 10min space for every big item. Even if i got access to that cheat i wont use it because spamming keyboard feels good


                                                                      I didn't know scripts were legit. They are used in tournaments?

                                                                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다