General Discussion

General Discussion0% winrate since new patch come out

0% winrate since new patch come out in General Discussion
Shikanoko Noko

    thinking not pick support after this.


      just go jungle you dont need much to win 2k games

      Shikanoko Noko

        That mean my team have 5 carry


          you drag the game too much base from your lost games. go push when your team is outnumbered, i believe a problem with the SEA region in the lower mmr is that after kills, sometimes you dont go for objectives and go back to static farming. it will be alright if you have a team that can go late game well but it seems from the last matches, the opponents have the better late game.


            1 good tip on how to play support well. go watch how Zai and Mirale play support in youtube. i improve a lot after watching them play.


              Just calm down and concentrate on improving yourself. Take a break if you need to.

              Shikanoko Noko

                @Dragrus. you right man. But the problem is sometime they just go yolo 1 vs 5 and make me want to safe they ass every freaking time.

                @Masterbait hope you right man


                  pick spiritbreaker


                    Abaddon is where it's at if you want free mmr with low ability at Dota 2.


                      plays disruptor, gets brown boots at minute 19, 1 kill 19 deaths while his team has solid stats.

                      the problem is not you playing support and having no impact, its you playing like shit

                      1-IceTea 🌟

                        OP is a lying bitch

                        Shikanoko Noko

                          @Thanks well I always give high impact in that game but something not right in that match. axe dive alone 1 vs 5. buy ward all the time. and the worst part is i cant believe i support that team alone and give my team all the CS. can you expect i will get brown boot fast. I dont think so


                            :thinking: meanwhile there's me with 100% first pick AM winrate :thinking: