General Discussion



    My mmr was 1811 then started climbing now I'm 2356
    My question is what is the best time to find ranked match?

    I am now starting to encounter some toxic and retarded braindead animals and it pisses me real good.Last game lich dc this mirana player went to feed the cour in mid because he said "500 ms I cant play".

    Please help me get out of this trench.

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      Wow you are deep in the trench.

      Listen it really doesn't matter what time you queue. The trench follows you. Toxicity follows you when games are hard. Games are hard because u are not good enough yet. Focus on improving.

      >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

        Oooo. It takes time, man. Just do the best you can. It took me 16 months to get out of 2k


          Any time is good but evenings are the worst
          Especially Friday evenings
          Mornings are the best imo
          Night (9 pm+) are good
          But it shouldn't matter, if you're better than everyone in your bracket you'll get out sooner or later
          Also if you see me in your games, dodge my first pick AM


            Preferable not weekend. Weekend your team only consist of at most 3 ppl with brain rest of it either sub human or animal


              never play at 10am to 3pm afternoon. only play unranked in weekends

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                Got it guys.I think it is bad to play around 3pm until 11pm all I can think of are those high school kids.


                  Just 50 more to 3.4k, and then I got a stoned dickhead thinking that they can play carry like RTZ then go 0-7 at the end of the game and during the game he blabbered something that I can't make sense of it at all. I try to play good and don't feed but those piece of shit just keep following me everywhere too but's not an excuse for losing as often as winning. It's just annoying that I had to keep making up for those -25 over and over again.

                  And during this time, I think there is maybe some countries in SEA area that the school are on a semester break so the kid are free to play dota everyday too so it's going to be hard to grind mmr at this time but you need to stay positive there and you will make it out. This is coming from a scrub who still can't get out of 3.3k when he only need to win 3 more matches in a row to reach 3.4k Hahahaha.

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                    In my indonesian pisonet there are a relatively young child who knows well how to use sven. Meanwhile im going troll supp helping sven fat by pressing r when he initiates Check my lastest troll warlord match. Ages doesnt matter. Ingame peformance and attitude does


                      We are on semi final in my school here.But I realize that it's march here in philippines and its the end of school days for high school and elementary.So I think the best plan is not to play much and just go pub match.

                      ace recovery

                        I think in the late evening is best like 21:30 and until 1 am.


                          I'm not sure about that tho what's the best time to play because when you queue for a match your gonna play with players on your bracket regardless what time it is, well there are some exception when you play a match where the avarage mmr is slightly higher than yours although I haven't experienced this yet.


                            ^What I meant was what's the best time to avoid teaming up with those 4 braindead monkeys (BUT A LITTLE LESS)

                            I only play in cafes.And my parents want me home before 9pm so yeah.But soon i'll buy a desktop so I can play anytime.


                              VHS = Very High School


                                1k is much better than 2k just saying


                                  ^No man.1k is really bettrr than 2k.In mg 1.8k matches.They don't flame much and some of them actually listen to you.Then I started ranking to 2.3k those fucking players with their ugly pro pic.


                                    1k is more enjoyable but that doesn't mean they're better
                                    I get WAY more incompetent dimwits who last pick core on a 3 man core team in 1k than in 2k
                                    2k might be less retarded gameplay wise, but their attitude is so dogshit
                                    I played against a trash impactless jugg who afked all game and flames his team for being trash
                                    He bought BF manta SnY

                                    4 fighting AM lol noob u just got lucky u got good teammates


                                      Also I feel 2ks are way more stubborn than 1ks
                                      I had to ping like a madman everytime I support to guide them how 2 distroy enemy ancient and their brain still jetlags for 5 minutes while in 1k they just follow me and end the game quick


                                        ^that's what pisses me off their attitude.Then after that I'm already joining their barking session.


                                          How the fuck dat retards get boosted to 2k lul... 2k players supposed to be from salty 3k who were lose too much into 2k

                                          Happy Pill <3

                                            "I only play in cafes.And my parents want me home before 9pm so yeah.But soon i'll buy a desktop so I can play anytime."

                                            Actual translation:

                                            "I'm a cancerous kid playing in internet cafes along with other cancerous kids but I have to be home by 9pm or else mommy won't give me money to play dota tomorrow. Soon I'll get a PC by either stealing one from the cafe I'm playing at, steal money from mommy or stab mommy and take the money because dota 2 is lifer."

                                            The hypocrisy of the topic start is near pitying, it's not even funny.

                                            Typical Peenoise mindset: Blame everyone but yourself. See everyone's mistake but your own. Lol. You're looking to avoid cancerous players yet you're as cancerous as them. It's people like you that gives us decent Filipinos (in terms of behavior and overall attitude) a bad name.

                                            Want ways to avoid cancer? Not being one is a good way to start. Other ways are things that you hate other players do yet you do them yourself.


                                              ^I wish I could really have the time to read your shit post.Your first sentence is already enough to make me consider that you are a trash that doesnt contribute much this forum.Have a good day.


                                                When you have more mmr, your ego increases. You start to think you are big shot. Everyone should follow your order to win the games because you are miracle.

                                                And ofc when you have less mmr, your ego fall, you dont really have motivation to win(only guess), and playing ranked only for fun.

                                                So its no wonder 2k below is less cancer than 2k above. IMHO.

                                                Its SEA. Try another server. Maybe there less cancer than here. For example Japan or Australia

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                                                  the ping in the other servers are unplayable well if I match in japan which is almost the same ping in sea.Communication will be the problem because most of them doenst speak english.


                                                    Then communicate using chat wheel, its simple english. Like we need wards, push now, etc. They should know that. Its better lack communication than have some cancer teammate.


                                                      i'll try lurking in japan for a while.


                                                        me jealous to you you have 2k mmr but has 50lesswinrate


                                                          my 2k now 3k acc had 90 winrate at japan server for some reason


                                                            try some other heroes, and if you would do good with those heroes spam them, widen your hero pool, and do everything to win

                                                            Chao Vritra

                                                              Back when I used to play ranked more seriously, I did feel there were good and bad times to play.

                                                              I felt that very early in the morning I would lose much more, and get far less english speakers/team players. Afternoon seemed a bit better. I live in the midwest, central time zone. I feel that noon to 4 was a golden time to play and late at night, like 1am-4am.

                                                              Also, I tried to play on US west when possible. Despite having a higher ping on there, I feel I get more english speakers and team players. However US WEST seems to have more emotional players that will intentioanlly feed and throw games.


                                                                @hitd currently observing lycan pusher type and I'm thinking this might be the solution for getting out of 2k.