General Discussion

General Discussionimportance of travel boots and hand of midas on supports?

importance of travel boots and hand of midas on supports? in General Discussion

    at least in vhs bracket

    with the nerf to experience, its harder for supports normally gain levels to max out their spells and get talents... and bots allow you to be present in all unexpected clashes, especially considering the respawn time reduction talents.

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          'bots allow you to be present in all clashes'

          where else are you going to be? You should be taking objectives with your team. Solo supports split pushing is a thing of the distant past (and even when that was the meta, they rarely ever got early bots). 2000 extra gold investment for bots recipe is just too expensive. You gain a lot more utility with other items (blink/fs/wards/etc)

          tldr, don't justify your poor positioning and map movement for a 2000 gold investment

          for midas

          It's situational. With the buffs to xp gain talents, we should be seeing greedier strats build more midases. However, don't build it when the 2050 gold can be invested in something else that can help you take the immediate advantage.

          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

            You should be humble. Do whatever you want, idc if you're shit all your life


              well idk bots are mostly a luxury item if you are ahead, but if your carry is splitpushing (in example) you can join and help him out, or if you have respawn talent and respawn in 10 seconds you can tp right back if you have died in the fight. or even punish the out of position enemy.

              i understand that items are supposed to be built based on the impact it gives, but its likely to be a high impact play to be ably to turn any fight at 30 minutes with your lvl 3 ultimate.

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                ^bots is a reach cuz it doesnt do anything and costs 2000 gold. Midas is situational.

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                    like are bots and midas are possibly in the same priority list as blink force glimmer ? (depending on the situation)

                    when i think about it i dont think ive ever rly baught bots on support before taking a rax :facepalm:

                    이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                      You can go Midas if your game is going really well, you have many assist because you were roaming 18 min mark and below and you were able to save up that 1550 gold even when you were buying wards, stick, your preferred boots then you can go Midas but don't pursue it if it has gone over 19 or 20 min already, instead buy other support items like Force Staff or Glimmer Cape for example.

                      BoT is really a Luxury item for supports if its late game and you have 2500 unreliable gold and a 2000 reliable gold then go for it if you want, but only go for it if you have those important support items.

                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                        so how come i see pros making midas even as 2nd item (like after blink dagger or glimmer), even 25 or 30 mins in?


                          They are pros and they train their teamwork also if you noticed in professional game POS 4 is a real POS 4 utility support unlike us pub gamers POS 4 is a carry most of the time so they can do that, just think about it what if you've gone Blink first then Midas and you are the only support on your team, your team will lack and miss the support items timing, they are really important you know especially the Force Staff it could really save you or your teammates.


                            You see those on heroes that are level dependent and don't need any immediate item to be effective.

                            A prime example of this would be slardar. As a roaming support, after blink, you are still basically behind in levels. Since your only use is to blink>stun>retreat, there's really no other immediate item you need to remain effective, so you get a midas to catch up on levels and farm.

                            Ex. My last game I bought a 21 min midas. No use saving for aghs because luna glaives and OD easily kill off birds. Solar crest is arguably okay at that point, but I decided against it and stuck with my medallion. Any other 2k gold item wouldn't really have made much of an impact so I decided to counter their double midas greed.

                            You overvalue the respawn talent. If you respawn that fast, either your t1s are still up or you are stomping them/getting stomped at their t2s which you can still reach relatively easy through shrines. (if you weren't able to get spells off before that, you got caught, and that's a positioning mistake. This doesn't mean bots is good for this situation. It just means you are bad and you need to pay more attention to the game)

                            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                              i stopped taking the respawn time talent myself and just not die with glimmer cape and blink dagger.

                              yeah i agree about the timing part, but if you dont have a midas, who knows if you will EVER get the force staff or glimmer or dagger as a hard support, and probably wont even unlock your level 2 ultimate until the lategame

                              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                U only go late midas on very level dependent heroes like slardar and pudge and nyx or when ur behind and need levels.


                                  anyway it feels like you dont go midas when you are ahead,and not the other way around. or when you dont actually ned anything.

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