Sand1 2017/03/24I still have 120 MB to download. I ran dota from steamapps folder to play bot matches and found that I can queue for online games wtf!!이 주제는 수정되었습니다 2017/03/24Sand1 2017/03/24Getting disconnected so often! fook!!Sand1 2017/03/24Got 5 LPs thanks Volvo!!1-IceTea 🌟 2017/03/24lul HAHAHA HAHAHAHAHA Don't do it again, be good boy and only play online after update doneLifeline 2017/03/24I want to help you finish your LP but I won't be able to play until next weekmiekuah-P 2017/03/24AYY WATAFAK VOLVO PLS FIX FUKING RETARD SUKA BLED IDNAKHUIYLifeline 2017/03/24ANJENG GOBLOK ASU WEW WKWKWKWK OM TELOLET OM WKWKWKmewTwo- 2017/03/24thought u were the real cutnpaste for a second댓글을 작성하시려면 로그인이 필요합니다.스팀 계정으로 로그인
I still have 120 MB to download. I ran dota from steamapps folder to play bot matches and found that I can queue for online games wtf!!