General Discussion

General DiscussionBS cancer again?

BS cancer again? in General Discussion
turbo player

    Recently i've seen many pros including rtz, midone v.v... spamming bs in ranked. will he sneak his way into this DAC and become cancer again? thought, guys?

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      waga shitstomped people with him too


        Use promo code BSJ

        Yea probably


          hmmmm I have played bs and look ma recent

          -DI- TheDrengr

            30% life steal talent.. ez 13 minute radiance from jungle or good lane? yeah he's the underated carry this patch, its so easy to get 13-14 minute radiance on him and then farm better than any other radiance carry since bloodrage increases the radiance dmg, it also makes it easy to rack anyone 17 minutes with 40% dmg increased radiance and shadow blade invis and rupture.

            hero is way under played. but so was CK in 6.88

            6.88 ck was incredibly powered in mid lane with 500 nuke dmg at lvl 4 with superior ination to deal the 500 dmg. there are things which are missed as far as how hero's can be played. some buff's make a hero viable to play a certain way but when thats a way people don't currently play it many times the evolution is missed unless the buffs continue in that direction for several patches.

            -DI- TheDrengr

              I broke my finger 7 days ago, the one next to my right clicking finger making it almost impossible to play and i still got 15 minute radiance lol


                >implying that you need fingers to shitstomp in 1k :thinking:

                -DI- TheDrengr

                  no but the clicking on creeps to hit them was killing me, finger was throbbing wildly by like 11 minutes

                  -DI- TheDrengr

                    i just qued lol need to stop queing with broke finger shit hurts


                      take care of your finger, you need it for fingering stuff

                      -DI- TheDrengr

                        yeah shouldn't play my finger is on fire throbbing after getting 32 kills in 30 minutes lul


                          How can you have 32 kills in min 30 and the game isn't won yet :thinking:

                          1-IceTea 🌟

                            Perspective of full time jungler : 13mit jungle and naked radiance is not that good.

                            Ursa already finished vlad/phase taking RS and pressing your tower at 10mit mark (sometime) if you still farming your tower gone and teammate will die.

                            Lycan already should take few hero down and at least 1 tower with it before you jungle out.

                            WK already have pt/Armlet and carry a Aegis with him.

                            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                            all role player

                              So u go rosh after get armlet as wk licetea? What's your Best Time to get pt-armlet-aegis ?


                                BS is absolutely unplayable in the pro-scene

                                  이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.
                                  1-IceTea 🌟

                                    ^Big beard act pro : insta fail

                                    @Lelouch lamperouji-
                                    Should be around 12

                                    turbo player

                                      so radiance BS is actually legit now?


                                        Cos 40% + and that map hack passive

                                        -DI- TheDrengr

                                          ez 12 minute radiance in last game, woulda been 10 if my finger was not broken. but the point is that you keep tps with, bs doesn't need any items pre 10 minutes to tp into any fight and double kill or to gank 3-4 kills with rupture. you can easily get 5-0 with 60 last hits in 10 minutes.


                                            So farming radi is so ez on bs now? Ill try it out.

                                            Dire Wolf

                                              He's great space maker early but falls off a cliff late so it really depends. Probably a pretty good pubstomper. I ban him a lot cus lately I've been playing a lot of weaver so cannot say for sure.


                                                wow just watch a clip of rtz bloodseeker. WTF WAS THAT BUILD!!! Is he fucking support or something? Rly fuckingbraindead build.

                                                one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                  well rtz gets lifesteal on drow, what do u expect from him lmao


                                                    true... same shit as ee nowadays :/

                                                    one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                      y fuck those morons they have no clue at all



                                                        NEVER SCARED

                                                          Whomst've'de'would've played nearly 6k games and is 4k

                                                          -DI- TheDrengr

                                                            he falls off late lol, cause 600 dmg per hit with 30% life steal and crazy move speed and heal for kill dies off.... if you play him for late he is fine, radiance, silver edge, bkb, butterfly, (mkb/deso/linkens), tp boots that build with 30% life steal is plenty enough late game vs any other carry.

                                                            -DI- TheDrengr

                                                              plus in any 1v1 fight or situation you can stack bloodrage, one on yourself and one on the enemy causing them to take 80% dmg increase from radiance while you kite them or use shadowblade. that's 117.6 dmg per second before reduction that can be dealt while invis with shadowblade at 18 minutes, where most hero's have between 1k-1.4k hp, meaning you can kill people during the duration of shadow blade just following them.


                                                                ^^ ahh if you blood rage yourself, then wait until you can blood rage the enemy carry , then go invis won't your rage run out half way into the invisible?

                                                                still seems good brah

                                                                Chao Vritra

                                                                  that game where they killed the centuar with rupture and force staffs xD

                                                                  -DI- TheDrengr

                                                                    duration is 12 seconds, so you get close enough to bloodrage self, rupture enemy, blood rage enemy, go invis

                                                                    you should get 10 seconds of double rage and you can backstab with shadow blade, if they tp you do 80% more dmg right clicks.

                                                                    Dire Wolf

                                                                      I guess but taking 40% more dmg late game is a liability in team fights. He dies so quickly.

                                                                      Story Time

                                                                        funny advice, but BS is a semi support and a spell caster. All who build +30% lifesteal and +10 stats are dillusional

                                                                        Dire Wolf

                                                                          you would go rupture dmg over stats? Idk why anyone would do that, rupture does no dmg if enemy stands still and a 14% buff is hardly anything over the base.


                                                                            So what is the build in the Jungle then?

                                                                            Both items and skills ?

                                                                            Like do you go midas, or as Lice said you go naked radience?

                                                                            Is your play style afk farm until 6, gank enemy safelane/ mid lane? then rinse and repeat ever time rupture is off CD? Carry TP for dives as those will be EEEEZZZZZZZZ killz.??



                                                                              sorry boys


                                                                                이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.

                                                                                  "funny advice, but BS is a semi support and a spell caster. All who build +30% lifesteal and +10 stats are dillusional"

                                                                                  You have statistics in dotabuff to check before typing stupid stuff, +10 stats has +4% winrate and +30% lifesteal almost +3%.

                                                                                  So delusional people actually get +7% winrate over your senseless choice.

                                                                                  I spammed BS a lot until i got bored of winning, i noticed it was kind of OP since 7.00, but no many players use it.

                                                                                  Bloodseeker is great midgame, but fall off late game, if matches goes longer than 40 minutes and there is no other hard carry then it's very possible to throw the game even going 25/1, he dies too quickly late game.


                                                                                    i just like getting dagon its funny