General Discussion

General DiscussionTemplar assassin

Templar assassin in General Discussion

    Is ta mid good this patch?and in which situations should i be looking to pick her over other mids like storm sf or od

    doc joferlyn simp

      good vs everyone else except viper or generally just high armor and/or dot centric heroes


        Avoid playing vs DoT, pudge, veno and ember are pieces of shit vs her in lane. Vs most other lineups you should have the advantage, play the lane aggressively by using psi blades to hit them(pro tip, if you use your refraction charge to deny, you get the bonus damage but don't lose a charge) after level 5/6 you can kill them (latest) and then start roaming when you have blink and win game


          Ember can totally rekt TA in mid

          doc joferlyn simp

            the lane is not particularly favored. ta with a blightstone and a raindrop standing in your hill for the first 10 mins? thats only if the creep equilibrium allows for that tho. in normal fights near the lane ember might have the upper hand? lane creeps break refraction charges fast tho but then chains will have to be saved for until theres a good chance that ta will be chained as well

            idk i remember there was a thread about this a few weeks back or smthng


              just ban slark and you're gonna be fine. Also weird enough but this patch ta in 5k+ is at 53.5% winrate.


                Jakiro is guud against TA...

                if TA is 1k skrub lourd lyke meh

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                doc joferlyn simp

                  actually jaki is good if you go deathball strats and end the game pre 20 mins. ta needs a lot of farm because all she can offer is right clicks, compared to sf raze, storm remnant, or dk breath/uber long stun. youd bully her mid relentlessly prioritize denies over farm when she is there and push at 5 mins lmaoo


                    Or do what I did with my friends once, all heroes with stun, all mid, end at 15 min


                      Btw should i go desp first or blink on her


                        I meant deso


                          usually deso so you can farm ancients quickly, and 2 shot a wave. after deso you can get a blink in like 2 mins

                          Arthritic Quadragenarian

                            If I see a TA I automatically lock in Veno and Lane against her for the first 5 minutes, usually 3 kills on her and she is far enough behind that she is a non factor or even better tilted.

                            Same can be said with axe, but axe players seem more resilient mentally than TA players.


                              TA is best suited against heroes that deal damage in powerful bursts with very little lockdown such as Puck, Shadow Fiend, and Lina. As meld burns a Target's armor, she also prefers to take the offensive on immobile strength heroes excluding Axe and Sven.

                              With little lockdown, she prefers to avoid elusive heroes such as Storm Spirit and Slark. With less attack speed than most agility carries, she also dislikes heroes with evasion such as Phantom Assassin, Troll Warlord, and Windranger.

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                                Veno is annoying to lane against as TA but you if you keep creeps on your side of the river you can just walk up and hit veno. Viper is who I pick against TA and you can just destroy her with viper.

                                I prefer deso before blink dagger to increase farm speed except in situations where I need to be able to adjust my positioning quickly to avoid dying (such as games with a spirit breaker or axe/legion that will be rushing blink daggers).


                                  Ta peaks pretty early and is one of the strongest mid laner, but is easily countered especially by DoT heroes like ember and veno.

                                  Usually when my opponent picks an invoker, sf, storm or od my go to pick is usually templar, unless there is a presence of counterpick. Ta is a good counter to lifestealer, or squishy supports in general.

                                  Overall personally to me templar is pretty situational - you can go really big or crash depending on counterpicks. You will be looking out for DoT, number of targeted/aoe control spells, and of course your opponent in mid.

                                  also jdf8

                                    my winrate ayy lmao