General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat show to watch now

What show to watch now in General Discussion

    Should I start Game of Thrones now? I was thinking of that or Breaking Bad/Black Mirror/30 Rock

    Ghastly Wail

      Breaking Bad.
      Never watched it but friends say its awesome.


        Game of Thrones,Breaking Bad,True Detective season 1,Lost,Prison Break.10/10 shows you decide.I recommend Lost first,best show for me.


          Just read a bit about the shows that sound interesting to you. If your interest grows, watch 'em. I normally don't trust in specific shows recommendations. Been dissappointed with too many.

          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

            My 2 favourite shows ever are Game of Throne and Breaking Bad. Watch both.


              i started game of thrones.
              its fun.
              but now i quit and go to gym.
              gg wp


                Breaking bad ive countless gr8 things abt but the first few episodes r dead boring. Stick thru it i guess


                  Black mirror is hard to marathon, and each episode is an independent story. I would recommend using it when you're tired of whatever you're marathoning.


                    ^the silent god has spoken
                    This post is proof that this person isnt inactive
                    Even tho they are
                    At least on the forums

                    Cheap Laugh Guy

                      A+ truesight for 48.56% wr NS

                      Cheap Laugh Guy

                        I dont understand. The last reply should be 43 minutes ago but when I clicked in it was still my reply 9 hrs ago