General Discussion

General DiscussionWould love to have a few pointers on how to improve.

Would love to have a few pointers on how to improve. in General Discussion

    First time posting was just hoping people on here could give me a few pointers. I've been playing a ton of party with my bro who has a lower party mmr then me. I need help on how to return to 3k lol.

    What I meant is I'm terrified to play solo every time I do these days I feel useless. I usually just lose. Also how is my item choices for my cores? Recently got into playing the support role which is the hardest role for me.

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      Vlad CK? Really?


        Yeah that was a clowny purchase. I don't play him very much.


          Only played 12 matches of him so far so really not one of the heroes I meant.