General Discussion

General DiscussionWho's your go to ban?

Who's your go to ban? in General Discussion

    I don't bother but when i do i ban tinker. Doesnt matter how hard you rape him in lane, you cant push highground without throwing bodies

    Super Senko-san Time



        hey sebastian can you teach me how you get so many ppl to comment on your steam profile? what do u do to get attention?

        casual gamer

          tinker or cw based on whether i plan to pick tinker


            Slark because and early feed or 2 on him usually means he snowballs

            Or LC just because i hate playing around jungle lc on my team

            1-IceTea 🌟

              ^Jungle LC are better then your 36% winrate LC mid btw xD

              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                Riki as always


                  Just tell them to stop being shit and play their role, when they start flaming you put them back in their fucking place and if they keep that shit up and also don't improve (this is the important part since you can just mute) make sure you lose the game for them. Why would you bother putting so much effort to just get all that nullified by some other trash? Welp there you have it, frustrated by how shit they are and the game result (even from wins when they were completely irrelevant) they will leave their best wishes in the visit card :D


                    I always go for Techies. 90% of the time he gets ban in my game


                      nominate banning shud be longer than 10 sec

                      Arthritic Quadragenarian

                        Slark, I usually play support and pick first. My stomach churns when I pick veno or jak and a slark is picked.

                        GRANT MACDONALD

                          I have 1 lc mid game in the last year


                            kotl if mid, riki if anything else, and blood if jungler :/


                              The amount of ppl here who hate anti mage is alarming. He isn't even. Good anymore. My go to is tinker. Second ban is slark.

                              Dire Wolf

                                Invoker is usually my go to, just an annoying hero and really good if the player knows him. Otherwise tinker. Bloodseeker if I want to pick weaver.


                                  Selza;aren't you said you have no interest and quit Dota?

                                  I did say I'm losing interest. However, I don't recall saying I would quit just yet.


                                    PA , SLARK, AM, WEAVER


                                      How does nobody hate playing vs pudge? The game is almost unplayable vs a good pudge, 2 Bkb piercing skills, one that disables for 3 seconds and another that displaces yourself towards the enemies, or saves an ally, also a passive that gives him lots of hp if he gets kills and a skill to consistently deny yourself for the first 10 minutes of the game with soul ring, making sure enemies don't get any the gold you took from them, honestly fuck that hero with a passion

                                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                        Monkey King, Pudge and Treant mainly, depending on which one I saw more lately. Or Ursa/Spirit Breaker if I'm playing Jugg or Naix.


                                          Riki or Tinker is always my ban.

                                          doc joferlyn simp


                                            white boy summer



                                                Axe. At all times.

                                                Ramtin H

                                                  slark or pa and tinker is a cancer too

                                                  Merky Chumpis

                                                    Slark and mk before he got nerfed. So just always ban slark, just such a pain in the ass esp when im on support and my team is just letting him do his thing

                                                    Optimus Drip

                                                      Mk, drow, omni.

                                                      Also haha to all the techies banners. It doesn't work most the time.


                                                        I used to ban mk but nobody knows how to play him


                                                          AM and invo most deathly in late game


                                                            Anyone who spend their ban on a garbage hero like AM because he's "strong and hard to deal with" should kill themselves


                                                              You haven't seen spectre shitting out aoe damage with 5k HP without clicking anything


                                                                Wraith king, Ursa, or Riki as they're almost impossible to deal with in my mmr bracket


                                                                  if your spectre mate noob how you deal with AM


                                                                    Slark prio 1 ban

                                                                    Shikanoko Noko

                                                                      LC because fuck you


                                                                        slark, i just dont like playing against him and I believe most people dont know how to

                                                                        doc joferlyn simp

                                                                          ^i thought your go to ban was people with the same profile picture :o


                                                                            Anti-Mage and Omni-Knight. Omni-Knights runs over retards and My best heroes suck vs OK. Same for AM. For some reason Retards cannot lock him down. Don't get me started about once he goes aghs. I see why you have no issue with him mccloud. You Main Jugger/PA/Spec/AM/Void in your top. Also Same to you BWS I found it actually hilarious that your Top is ALSO Juggs/Faceless/AM/Windrunner/Spectre. Isnt that surprising that those heroes have no issues with AM.

                                                                            My top is CK, DP, OD, Silencer Pheonix. See how we have some tiny issues. Instead of calling a person retarded because they ban a certain hero how about you use your brain and understand why. When you Main DP yes AM fucks you. When you main Juggernaut... No AM doesn't fuck you. Use common sense. Your bans could be considered just as stupid to anyone.

                                                                            Also to you Bundalanga or w,e your name is. Vanguard, Manta, Abyssal, BKB. Haunt in, Abyssal AM into Manta. You will kill him. you would be shocked how much Damage Desolate does. Falling short because he built tank? Don't go Skadi do a deadeleus or MKB or even an AC.

                                                                            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                              Shifting Skys gets it!

                                                                              It depends on what heros you mostly play.

                                                                              For me its Supports or offlane.

                                                                              IF I plan on going offllane fire bird, its jug,LS.

                                                                              Oh I got fire sprits on you gonna dive for the kill.... snap. press Q eat that egg.

                                                                              However, my go to ban is probably Jugger/tinker. You can deal with slarks with a lot of sentries , ghost glimmer. I have a hard time dealing with jug and his Q TP, his healing ward, and high solo kill potential. pushing high ground against tinker is awful , so awful.

                                                                              Ironically the best pick against tinker IMO for a carry is Jugg for those high ground seige , his ward will help deal with march missile spam.


                                                                                about pudge have you heard of lifestealer?


                                                                                  Random hero cuz it gives 825 gold which is so retarded


                                                                                    its only ~200 gold Lmao. The amount of Gold/Tempo you lose from getting a bad random as opposed to the lead you gain with ~200 gold lmao

                                                                                    kunst 2

                                                                                      Void if I going to fp weaver, and riki (mostly) for others