General Discussion

General DiscussionIs it possible to raise MMR whilst randoming every game?

Is it possible to raise MMR whilst randoming every game? in General Discussion

    I made a bet with my cousin in which whoever, first to reach 4k MMR will be treated. We both dropped to 3.4K from 3.8K because of several months abstinence from playing. I have several pool of heroes which I am good at but I don't see the essence of playing if you can't play all heroes. Do you think it would be possible?

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      spamming > versatility when climbing mmr


        It is definetely Possible but definetely an very difficult feat. WIth a Good Attitude alone you can win games that you would normally lose becausse of playuers tilting. If you random do it first everytime and YOU know your skill level with that hero. Make a rating system in your head and the lower the hero falls on your skill level ranking chart pick a Position that leaves more or less of the Win in your hands. I have randomed heroes such as Meepo or Arc Warden and Supported with them and won. I have offlaned Zeus, Necro, SIlencer vs heroes youd thnikn would make you go 0-5 and won. EX: Veng, Sven, Pudge. youd thnk the zoning would be retarded but the players justs sucked. ez MMR.