General Discussion

General DiscussionTips on someone who will be playing dota again

Tips on someone who will be playing dota again in General Discussion

    The last time I regularly play was before 7.00patch. Ive stopped playing dota cause i was so busy with school stuffs. Ive recently been playing on my other accounts but i have trouble adapting to the new gameplay. Only played around 50 7.XX games. Any tips would greatly help me.

    1-IceTea 🌟



        Too many changes on 7.XX especially the map changes and talent trees :(

        white boy summer

          yea everyone said it's gonna be huge and shit (which it is) but you should adapt to it after like 20 games since u will realize that talents are not that big of a deal for most of the heroes anyway (it makes insignificant differences before level 20, and since every hero gets a tree it's harder to spot how more powerful those heroes are with talents)


            Don't come back
            It's your chance to be free from this shithole


              Ive been playing this game for almost 9yrs since 6.54 so Its hard to stop playing if you invested that much time. And my peak rank was only 4780 didnt even reached 5k


                DONT COME BACK ITS A TRAP

                Chao Vritra

                  Talents just made a lot more hero viables IMO. It changed certain heroes a lot. I had stopped playing as muc hand so I feel I am just now getting used to the changes.


                    Supports got those op talent like 20exp gain and 40damage.
                    The evey 2minutes neutral spawn made my gpm go down too


                      You can make the enemy team chase you down the entire map while eating both their resources and your own
                      Preferably steal their resources as soon as the jungle camps spawn
                      Roaming is better than before with the additional bounty runes and more paths


                        Also AM is garbage as fuck these days


                          AM is also my favorite hero. he is not garbage. i think you just use him against the wrong lineup that's why you think hes garbage.

                          Von Darkmoor

                            Why do you have more than 1 account?

                            That should really be bannable.


                              LOL same thing. Haven't played dota in 6 months. Came back get trashed a few times but was really close in my last game.




                                  he is not garbage

                                  You just came back to the game, dude
                                  1. Quelling blade scaling got nerfed
                                  2. 1-1-1-1 AM build, which was the most optimal farming build, got removed and replaced by some talent
                                  3. Shrines helps with deathball and early game map control, something AM hates playing against
                                  4. He takes longer to come online due to the limited amount of creeps, yes, you can farm the enemy jungle and cut some waves but that's not always reliable


                                    Back in 6.88 in the actual meta (pro scene) AM was a legit situational pick
                                    Now even if you pick him on his "optimal" game he's still prone to getting steamrolled over before he comes online

                                    이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다


                                      Don't come back
                                      It's your chance to be free from this shithole

                                      Just relax and let things sink in.