Play core heroes like jug, pa, am, luna, naix etc. i believe only core hero allow you to raise mmr more easily.
Well I do enjoy slark but my 5k friend said that he isnt good in alot of cases because it requires my teammates to be good. What do you guys enjoy spamming?
I enjoy playing AM, void, jugg, basically any farm intensive elusive heroes that can hit towers for core
For supports I prefer roamers
Play core heroes like jug, pa, am, luna, naix etc. i believe only core hero allow you to raise mmr more easily.
Yes it does but that doesn't mean supporting to climb is that much harder, given that you know how to play both
^^^dude it doesnt matter if the hero is good or nah, just look at my arc warden games, as long as you mastered and enjoy the hero that you've been spamming
do like mid or meepo guy maybe. he spam sven with shadow blade and split push
spam abbadon, necro, or leshrac
i swear any idiot in 3k can't do simple math, if they dive you just use ur shield or heal and scythe they will die.
as for leshrac the people in 3k always farm after a team fight, with leshrac you can farm waves if your cores dont defend towers and u can stun enemy team for 2 seconds on a 10 second cooldown
with leshrac go drums euls wand windlace and manaboots, ull move at 455 movespeed passive and can kill enemy waves and heroes fast no matter if they got poor mans because of edict
plus you can stop split pushers by yourself and can scare split pushers away because of your euls stun combo
meepo sup is legit
nuke? check
slow + dot? check
early game op disable? check
long range disable? check
infinite time root? check
can be more than one place in map
can farm easily when cores arent using jungle/lane farm
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I know if i spam a single hero I would suck in the others but I just really want to get out of this and do better when i reach 4k. Im 3.7k right now but my peak mmr was like 4.1k And suggestions? And how should i play them?