General Discussion

General DiscussionA ray of Hope

A ray of Hope in General Discussion

    Match 3119951762

    So this is the game I had the pleasure of being a part of yesterday. A player with literally ten times less matches played than me and the self-proclaimed title of 'MiD LaNeR' (Such Stylish, So Wow) last picks chen, after his mid gets taken by the shadow fiend, a hero btw which I wanted to pick just for the sake of the All-Hero challenge (mind you, I'm a completionist and this is normal matchmaking). I say fuck it and pick my hero, since there's no point raging about a pick. The chat is of course flooded with 'Me mid's and 'Fuck you's during the pick phase. Keep in mind that this player clearly has no idea what the role of Chen is in the game or how he impacts the game. He's only here for one reason, and the 3 mangos, 3 TPs and 4 clarities as starting items should give you an idea of his plan. He skills Test of Faith level 1 and goes around the map sending his allies back home to disrupt their laning stage, primarily focusing on the SF that took his dear lane.

    So here's what I do. First and most important, nothing that this player provides in the form of communication is going to be important. So mute both text and voice. Second, I tell my team to disable help by the Chen from the Shared Unit Control options since they are relatively amateur. After this, the guy obviously realises his scheme isn't going to work out all that well, and starts walking down mid, dropping items, feeding couriers, providing wards, sents and gems to the enemy support, you know, the usual.

    Meanwhile I tell my team to stay positive, and believe me, I don't even use chat in the normal sense to tell them this. I actually only used system generated messages like 'Don't give up' and 'Relax, you're doing fine' throughout the entirety of the game. I tell them when we should go for rosh, when to push, when to get back and when to initiate. It doesn't always work out since our pushes are hindered by a techies and the LC is getting duel damage fed like a pig, but we endure, through the ultimate distraction caused by our dear Chen and the new found motivation to win inspite of a feeder. We make mistakes, have die backs on crucial heroes, but ultimately the enemy thinks there's no way they lose despite the fact that we have better scaling late game cores (3 really good ones in-fact) and we win.

    So the point I'm trying to make here, not to flame or bring to light this feeder, he's clearly new and low-skilled and doesn't have a dotabuff so no point, but to show that there's always hope. I probably wouldn't have written this post if it wasn't for the 'Playing on Tilt' blog post a few days back, which I know resonated with a great number of people. I can honestly say I'm one of the easiest people to trigger or tilt in this game, and that's one of the main reasons I'm not part of the higher skill brackets. However, to my pleasure, this was not such a game, I'm just proud I could achieve this, regardless of the skill level the game was played in, and hope it gives others some motivation to keep on tryharding every minute before (you think) that throne is destroyed.

    doc joferlyn simp

      tldr fam. i like walls of texts but this is just crap

      i can skim to get the general idea tho, good for you man

      edit: oh no i said skim pls no bannerino

      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
      Player 404335202

        Let him ban me instead skimistic


          How ironic is your name 'friendly player'?
          Do you know which category you fall into when I come across someone like you in my games?

          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

            i have been summoned?

            and great post, glad to hear you had such a positive experience and that our blog post inspired it a little bit!

            1-IceTea 🌟

              Nice one

              doc joferlyn simp

                let me try to explain it. you think anyone would actually read that? people dont even read patchnotes because of how long they think it is. imagine a long post with ACTUAL walls of text in them? only a handful of people even read dotabuff's very own blog posts. most just comment "first" and skim the lines (no bannerino)

                and we're talking about things that can affect whether they win or lose a game. if you can see all the "how to reach x mmr" or "how to calibrate vhs" youd know how people value winning. if they wouldnt read something that directly affects theyre gameplay, why would they read this?

                there is a reason why the most famous posts in the internet are those that are quick, concise, and unusually funny. thats because people have developed the mentality of wanting something and getting it quick. i mean you can open up millions of research material with a few keywords for google. this is still part of the reason google included the quick search ability of google. type a word and you dont even have to press enter and the research materials come up immediately

                so like it or not, modern audience is geared towards easily accessible and convenient entertainment applications. so if you want people to read your post (which you do, since you posted it) you need to structure such that it fits their preferences. writing walls of text is okay nothing bad about that. but you need something to wrap it up, something to condense everything you just wrote into one or two simple sentences that convey everything you want to convey

                internet culture calls it a "tldr", or, "too long didnt read". man even your supposed concluding statement is equal to your other paragraphs

                how is it ironic that my name is friendly player. i just gave you advice. i even wished you well. do you want me to give you a box of cookies and a fucking pat on the head so that you wont be offended? if i was any less friendly id have given you another response. i adviced you to change some stuff so that people can read your post

                tldr; dunno what was offensive, i gave you kind words, why all the salt and passive aggressiveness?


                  Well written
                  Also this serves as a "fuck you" to those whiny shitfucks with so many excuses

                  doc joferlyn simp

                    theres a reason this, along with a whole page full of gifs serving similar purposes, were made


                      Dear Mr 'friendly player', just so you know, you posted a wall of text, and I read it, I didn't skim through it. I acknowledge your opinion but after my response, something clearly hit you, and to put it more clearly, your second comment says "I just gave you advice" while your first comment reads "This is just crap".

                      I know today's audience likes memes because they are short, don't need any chain of thought or deduction and that is the state of society today. I am not one of those people. I have a long chain of thought on various topics, I like explaining stuff in detail and I like analyzing situations in all possible forms.

                      You can try to defend yourself and tell yourself that you are in the right all you want, but I just understood how confused you are about all this. If you didn't want to read a wall of text, don't bother. I don't mind seeing zero responses to my post. I just hope you understand the irony of the situation here.


                      casual gamer


                          Good for you xD so what happened to that feeder probably even an 8 year old kid you guys reproted him and send him to LP?


                            I played with a throw away acct named 123 where there was a chen who wud do the same thing.
                            I disabled help, but somehow he cud still use test of faith on me, and idk why.


                              Meanwhile imaginedodong loses to my worst played hero that time, sf. Xddddd
                              Well if you think 1vs5 scenario is rare w8 still school kids get their holiday and enjoy raging kids


                                Stuff like this has, strangely, always happened to my opponents. Still, I know there's cancerous people out there and they are not a minority.

                                Crap like that is the reason I gave up entirely on playing SoloQ of any kind (not just ranked) and now I only play with friends (5 man stacking whenever possible) in another account.

                                주 롄양

                                  I believe there is option called disablehelp ingame


                                    after the update I can no longer find it. Where is the option?


                                      Same shit last match. Though we had a carry crystal maiden. A feeder axe. I still manage to defend high ground for so long.

                                      But unlike you its 6am in morning here and I got sleepy so I just let them win.
                                      One feeder can be handled. But crystal maiden carry and Chen who has no idea how his spell works can be irritating. I didn't rage. I chose sleep over winning today :D

                                      doc joferlyn simp

                                        man. first time seeing a swear word? if you think a swear word immediately means that person takes an offensive position to the topic then well, welcome to the internet!

                                        and how even more ironic is that you pointed out the irony of me making a wall of text. i assumed since you like walls of texts so much youd actually read it. i was right. now heres the funny part, i added in a tldr if ever someone wanted to get the summary. the fact that you so generously informed me that you read everything and called the situation ironic, says that you fail to see the point of my posting entirely. walls of texts are fine, but adding a tldr can get your point heard more. sadly that was lost on you

                                        i like writing walls of text myself. but for the benefit of allowing people of fickle attention easily understand, i write tldrs

                                        im not trying to justify my actions, just wondering why you suddenly act like i said "3k hours and still normal skill smh". what i said is up to you to interpret. and if you cant see through something that can barely be called an insult and fail to get the gist of what im saying, then be my guest

                                        tldr you got it all wrong, but then again youre the one up to understanding it so think what you will

                                        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                          read such stories from a guy with 3k matches who is playing solo in pub