General Discussion

General DiscussionFirst item on am

First item on am in General Discussion

    When do you build bf and when do you build vanguard?
    And can i pick am when there's no int hero in enemy team

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    Fee Too Pee

      never vanguard first on AM , unless u make vanguard + echo build

      Goblin slayer

        Definitely Blink Dagger. There's nothing wrong with too much blink.

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          And can i pick am when there's no int hero in enemy team

          Just because he's called anti-mage, doesn't mean you should only pick him only against a bunch of intel heroes
          VG when you want to fight early
          BF after treads most of the time
          Also if you finish one of these items before treads go to a dog compound and donate your brain for their consumption


            thug life rush a bfury no starting items


              Why rush BF when you can get manta instantly


                early vanguard against gankers like lc is very useful


                  Poor man shield, Ring of Aquilla, Power Threads, Magic Wand, Iron Talon, then gg 20 mins no BF


                    Always buy treads first and Dont buy echo sabre

                    Player 404335202

                      Ofc u can pick him against centaur.. Pudge .. Sf ..legion and earthshaker ?


                        pms is half the dmg block of vanguard for 1/4 of the price, perservance is the same regen, and treads is almost 250 hp.

                        dont make vanguard.


                          Vanguard AM lul


                            stun and disable him and his easy kill.

                            white boy summer

                              am is best in low skill games since he's like safe lane's alchemist but farms camps and pushes even faster

                              AT&T Samsung Galaxy

                                lmao wtf is wrong with this thread


                                  the build is 90% of the time, pms, treads, ring of regen into bf.
                                  even when they have hella lockdown, bf first is still better cuz u rnt gonna win as am by fighting early, ur gonna win by coming out of the jungle at 30 min 1 item ahead of the enemy carry, or 2 if ur doing rlly well idk am well enough to say exactly. but ull be ahead and vanguard only slows this down.


                                    Dear "anti-mage"

                                    6.6k solo
                                    Treads after battlefury


                                      I went pms> brown boots> bf> bots> manta> abyssal.
                                      Pretty great build tbh


                                        Go PMS treads Vlad's mael manta and start farming heroes


                                          Legit build

                                          doc joferlyn simp

                                            in terms of utility mana burn is best when used versus agi or str heroes. even heroes like sven still need to use their mana, some may even consider it as the core of how they should be played. ams strength comes in when lets say he versing a slark. slark needs all of his skillset ot function, and if am is able to jump on slark with aby then you got a fish at the 3rd of his hp but no mana. no lockdown and escape (pounce) no damage and cc dispel (pact) no ultra heals (no ult)

                                            given, the mana void might not do that much damage in comparison to a storm or to an od at 1/3rd of his mana, but you takeaway a low of their power as a carry

                                            depends tho cuz if there are no int heroes in the game, people are relatively tanky and it will be a while until you can actually damage and kill them. just read the situation and act from there

                                            >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                              Build malestrom.


                                                Well that 6k noob obviously never played am before


                                                  I'm seeing a lot of AMs. Lord have mercy on us all