General Discussion

General DiscussionHaving problems communicating with my teammates.

Having problems communicating with my teammates. in General Discussion

    What would you usually do when you select a lane you want to play and a person just ignores that and proceeds to say he's mid?

    This is what I do:

    - I try to be polite and tell them that I'd appciciate if they can let me mid lane. (sometimes works, often it doesn't)

    - I try to communicate with him + rest of my team, however, most of the time they just completly ignore me and start flaming me once I pick the hero. (despite the fact I asked and tried to be nice)



      jungle meepo


        I was going to go ursa mid, I second picked, then had a 5th pick alch mid who said ursa mid is stupid.
        I said please don't steal lanes, then he said again ursa mid is stupid.
        I said okay, went offlane. Then team flamed him when he fed and I just sat there knowing I was right.
        Sometimes things happen fam, not much you can do and if you tilt from it it will make your game much worse. Just keep it pma bsj

        死の恐怖 Haseo

          go dual mid then


            I either trigger them and stay mid, my fortitude is strong sometimes they will leave.
            or u just do random weird shit like try to jungle ur hero or roam idk I personally report anyone who does that as a game ruiner.

            one syllable anglo-saxon

              firstpick mid


                I have a question and its been wondering me for some time now, why is the mid lane is the most contested lane? I don't really see players fighting for the POS 1.

                one syllable anglo-saxon

                  because u dont depend on ur teammates as much as a mid and u get the most gold/exp ususally


                    ^Ego. Midlane is a hard ass lane. They think if midlane gets screwed, the game is already screwed. And they also think that they are the only one who can take midlane better.


                      svakom srbinu je to problem :D ne znam lika u igraoni da lomi ekran :D

                      doc joferlyn simp

                        >"good day teammates"
                        >"i can play pos 3-5 but im decent at other roles"
                        >lmao why did i even hint i can play core
                        >team picks four cores
                        >"what would be a better support? lich can deny the enemy axe's xp even when he backdoors, great kiting abilities as well. but then lion has much more reliable burst and can be useful to bring down the enemy tb, not to mention the disables are a charm. what should i pick, can be anything but i think those two are good this matchup"
                        >picks ogre magi for ez harass
                        >teammate: "gg all melee"
                        >triggered cuz i didnt think of that and when i asked didnt tell me

                        basically a lot of people are very reactionary, or they are tabbed out listening to youtube or facebooking or some shit. even when i greet only 1 person greets back, says a lot about their willingness to cooperate and how focused they are on the match. i recommend using voicechat to really wake them up and get a response

                        Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


                          Sometimes things happen fam, not much you can do and if you tilt from it it will make your game life much worse.


                          commends swapper

                            tell them that ur smurf and ur 6k on main and then proceed to feed repeatedly for 45 min typing gg ez noob team in all chat.
                            but jokes aside you dont really need to communicate anything apart from sporadical pings to win in 3k so idk why that bothers you. most of the people won't even be worth communicating with


                              ^accurate. I dont communicate at 3k bracket i still win games


                                carry them from the off-lane


                                  I don't want to communicate, I just want to have a clear communication, simple one.

                                  I dont need to tell them anything but what's needed.

                                  Looking forward towards some creative answers.


                                    Try this. At the start spam ook ook aak aak. The beta chimps usually give in after that.

                                    Livin' Real Good

                                      Play support, cause i'm assuming that's usually the only position available.

                                      GRANT MACDONALD


                                        I 2nd pick mirana and announce roam. Pick supportish items.

                                        Guy goes NP jungle midas.
                                        I quickly have to rotate to help the MK solo vs Axe/tree. Axe cuts lane, NP is next creep camp over and does absolutely nothing. Just wants to afk jungle. We get shitrolled and i have one of my worst games ever

                                        Next game i get paired with largely the same people, get further flamed and end up as support CW.


                                        Moral is do what your team needs because theres always a person who wants to jungle LC/NP with zero regard to lane composition, enemy team etc. they'll sit and watch the safe tower burn to a trilane while a hopeless lion hugs the tower like his life depends on it

                                        doc joferlyn simp

                                          voice chat


                                            If it doesn't work....
                                            Giving less fucks to your teammates' shallow minds might work


                                              - I try to be polite and tell them that I'd appciciate if they can let me mid lane. (sometimes works, often it doesn't)

                                              if you die scream at your team or chat at them caps lock this team sucks and feeder. and bad things caz their so stupid and apathetic also ignorant.




                                                  >"good day teammates"

                                                  why would you do that? please dont be like an AU/NA cuck

                                                  mr. rabbit

                                                    ping them nonstop until they give in to ur command

                                                    one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                      whenever some1 goes like "hello team lets win" i already now they are a hypocritical сunt who will snap the second second some1 does smth they dont like

                                                      so yea dont do that


                                                        i pick a support.


                                                          My smurf is in the same mmr range and ppl pretty much always give me mid even if I'm not the one who marked it 1st or something. I had games where I had dual mid. Sometimes ppl check my profile and when they see my avg gpm they are like "ok u can go mid u have high gpm" so probably a smurf xD but thats very rare. You dont even need to communicate, but always be nice.

                                                          Giff me Wingman

                                                            just uninstall the game


                                                              ^rekt , kek