General Discussion

General DiscussionTWO COURIERS

TWO COURIERS in General Discussion
Fox McCloud

    I mean ... why not? The safelane Juggernaut wants his Poor Man's, the midlane Invoker wants his Bottle, the offlane Underlord wants his Clarities, and the support CM wants her wards.

    I get that in high level play players are aware of each other's needs (especially the midlaner's) to properly utilize one courier, but as a pub support that wants to keep his team's morale high, is buying 2 couriers really that bad?

    It's gotten to a point where I rarely see Bottle getting bought by my games' midlaners, and I can totally see why.

    Giff me Wingman

      ok no, just fucking no

      [SNRA]King Dave

        Since when does midlane invoker want a bottle?