General Discussion

General DiscussionLeague of Legends?

League of Legends? in General Discussion
Farm then Carry

    I'm thinking about starting to play LoL because summer started and I get to actually play with real life friends. (:happy:)
    Looking for info about it.

    P.S. Fear not, because I will not quit DotA 2

    doc joferlyn simp

      have fun


        Why are you asking this on a DOTA 2 FORUM


          sooo, i am playing both dota and lol now , some differance

          1-offlaner vs offlaner and safe lane vs safe lanes (i still feel it is stupid to place 2 initiator/tanks vs each other)
          2-there is no deny
          3-towers deal an insane amount of damage so don't dive
          4-the rune buffs are received by killing certain jungle monsters
          5-all heroes scales
          6-there are 2 main types of heroes AD:attack damage and AP:Ability damage (consider this like agility vs int) where their skills scale with that type of damage so you have to buy that damage type items
          7-most items are passives or with long CDs mediocre actives
          8-the game is lame as fuck when it comes to mobility : you get a champ like fucking yasuo who have a dash skill with no CD nor mana cost (yes as retarded as this sound) playing vs likes of jhin who have 0 mobility and mediocre AA range and when yasuo jumps you you just don't have a single counter play
          9-most heroes are less bursty but when they unleash their combos there is little to none counter play you can do (at least as carry since most AP champs have a great defensive items
          10-the community is slightly and i mean just a very tiny bit slightly better than dota
          11-some heroes are super interesting and have cool ideas but a lot are just copy of others

          doc joferlyn simp

            @rider i heard the game has quite a few pay to win mechanics not sure about that though can you confirm?

            Savvy Cat

              I once spent $5 to buy Nagi. Game is kind of fun if you can get players who are willing to pay for their internet.

              Farm then Carry

                @rider in a way, LoL sounds kinda worse and kinda better at the same time :l


                  Pretty sure Alice tried it out said that LoL is more fun for casual gameplay
                  Personally after trying out the game for 15 minutes I simply doesn't find the complexity, competitive, and punishing enviroment of DOTA2 which is the main reason why I play this game and never played it again ever since, from what I heard LoL feels more fast paced and less strat oriented
                  Kinda like BF compared to CSGO kind of stuff but that's not on me
                  But it's up to people's preferences I guess


                    "Any game is winnable at any point in LoL while in DOTA you fuck the creep equilibrium and feed the offlane free xp which might be gamelosing" from a guy I know who play both game quite often

                    이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                      not exactly a pay to win mechanics , more like play more to win mechanics .
                      you can give you character bonus stats before starting the game (called runes mastery) like life steal , attack speed , bonus hp . and those rune are bought form the game shop by either real money or game currency so the more you play the more you can buy runes
                      also they are something like talents tree gives you certain passives or stats and you can put up to 30 point in those (you gain 1 point per master level so you need to play more.

                      after level 30 and a good number of matches these p2w mechanics disappear completely as everybody have them at the maximum potential, but you are no likely to play vs lvl 30 players at the start of the game (usually 1-5 at max lvl deference)


                        there is also kinda strange thing that there is no direct counter for any champs , more like good match-up and bad match-up but there is no champion that can shut other completely (kinda annoying when playing vs cancer champs)

                        also just remember these names (rengar-lee sin-yasou-ravin-ivarn-temmo(teachis) ) , those are the most **** **** *** *** piece of **** that you might play against as carry


                          I play for pride so i pick dota because the game is harder and it feel better when you reckt srubs


                            U LOST ME @ "NO DENIES"


                              it feel better when you reckt srubs

                              It's also easier to stomp noobs if you're good AND the game have high skillcap

                              doc joferlyn simp

                                i hate teemo already


                                  League of Legends? what's that?


                                    Teemo is a teachis that can right click as hard as viper and have invisibility that why he is annoying af.

                                    Dota is harder in macro, strategy, and efficiency;but lol is kinda of harder with heroes and solo plays


                                      played league of legends, The range carries are so squishy and if they got charge in by melee carry they are done and Gg


                                        master yi is like ember but ember has better abilities


                                          teemo is my favorite champion )))

                                          1-IceTea 🌟

                                            It's more easy going,anyone including kids can easily play it and become 'not bad'

                                            Some people like to play easy mode and enjoy the game and some like to be a bit more Hardcore and like challenge more.

                                            Might be a good idea if you have enough of rage/ stress from Dota.

                                            PS : If for friends game LoL might be better,I yelling at my friends when we play Dota and he make mistakes, I heard LoL punishment on mistake is less then Dota

                                            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다