General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to increase gpm/xpm as a support?

How to increase gpm/xpm as a support? in General Discussion

    I'm new to dota, and i always choose support heroes, i always let my carries to LH. But in the end i always left behind in gpm/xpm and the result is i cant buy the proper item for late game. What is the rule or tips for this situation?


      You shouldnt worry too much about GPM and XPM on support heroes. Carries will have naturally higher GPM than supports. Getting items for supports is also very hero dependant, if you play bane for example all you need is some arcane boots and a glimmer cape or force staff, and you have most of the items you need. But if you play Lina you can actually farm towards some bigger items for the late game.


        you misunderstand the concept of supporting in dota

        1st thing to know is that there is a limited number of resources on the map for (gpm/xpm) and by knowing that and knowing that your items will not make a game changing impact you try to leave every tiny bit of resources to the one who most likely to make a great impact with their items the carries (ex:necro lycan/BF am/manta jugg) which will result in your low gpm/xpm

        now there are only 3 possible ways to gain more xpm/gpm with almost no resource
        1-hand of midas (you get it by passive gold or killing/assisting)
        2-gpm/xpm talents
        3-ganking the shit out of the enemy cores

        the third way is the most reliable to win game since enemy heroes are unlimited resources ,and you will also give a vital advantage to your cores so they have even easier game ,moreover it is the funniest thing to do as support.

        after some time you will have experience about your heroes strength and weakness and you will find the best way for every game to get better gpm/xpm

        p.s. you can eventually KS from your carry if you need very important item but you have to balance between your need and his


          support gpm is like 300-400

          rareley you'll get 500+, and that's when you stomp

          your gpm doesn't matter

          what does matter is how much gpm you set up to your teammates.

          doc joferlyn simp

            Supporting has never been easier, EVERYTHING a support does has been given some kind of breathing space in Icefrog's attempt to get more players into supporting. Obs, sents, TPs (supports are arguably the ones who buy these the most), more helpful mechanics (you can see ward vision before you plant, scan so you can check if warding is safe, talent trees for XP/gold, more runes for roaming supports, etc) all allow the you to support effectively without having to play a meticulous game like Sonneiko or JerAx.

            What you need to learn is how to utilize your resources effectively. Choosing right ward spot, knowing when to fight for a ward spot for vision or just deward it, making the most of little actions for efficiency so that you won't need more, etc. Many many many more actions like there but all you realistically need to learn first is the ability of correctly reading the pace of the match. After that you can act accordingly.

            tl;dr Be as efficient as possible to make the most of what you have, instead of trying to get more!

            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

              in the early to mid game, i can buy some pretty cheap item for basic support item (ward,sentry,arcane boots,tp, sometimes mekans). But there are a lot of situation the match goes for late game, my carries busy in the jungle, iam confused to where to go. If i go jungling i disturb my carries, if i go to lane im afraid to be ganked, support always targeted first by the enemy and i cant afford escape/self defense item so i die a lot before i can help a team fight. oh my usual gpm is around 200-300

              But thanks for all the tips, it really gives me a lot of insight, and i just have to try it in the next game!

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              зачем я начал поиск

                Lasthit more enemy units.


                  Don't die before teamfights then
                  Position yourself well

                  basement :)

                    Pick the talent that grants additional gpm or xp.

                    Dead Game, Don't Care

                      KS your carry's creeps.