General Discussion

General DiscussionDendi the Trader

Dendi the Trader in General Discussion
Mr. Takamura

    Alright I don't know what is going on in the pros' head, but why did they think that getting trade kills at the expense of their own live is worth it than running away and not feeding the enemy team? Most notable player I've seen doing this is Dendi but some players also did this in pro scene, enlighten me please..


      Depends on the farm priority. Like trading a pos 4 (support) for a pos 3 (offlane) is worth it simply because in the end you'll be able to gain more because your team killed an enemy with more farm than the ally traded.

      It's like you lose $500, but that $500 is for an investment or some shit so you get $750 bach, which means you gained $250, more than what you've lost.