General Discussion

General DiscussionFor cookie san

For cookie san in General Discussion

    You told me on one of my threads that you got like 600-700 lh as terrorblade in a lobby can you post a video of your farming patterns


      Figuring it out your own is better than copypasting the pattern


        i just want it for reference since i cant seem to farm well enough as tb


          115 solo mmr hahahah give me a try pls

          btw what avg mmr are rankeds ?


            @ op i will give u this 4k acc just to try play on urs


              @ted rofl way higher than my mmr


                600-700 is super easy, the point of the challenges is figuring it out for yourself

                i'm not making a video

                i follow Jesus.

                  do you start with level 8? unless you build radiance or some shit farming with illusions while leaving main at jungle afk is pretty much terrorblade's bread and butter
                  op you should just try your best for like 2 times by yourself and show us the results if you really want to improve


                    why would you need to start with lvl 8, i do 800+ without any cheats


                      I know i can hit 8 last hits, so i only need 0 more to reach 800 :thinking:

