General Discussion

General DiscussionRadiant vs Dire Winrate Discreptancy

Radiant vs Dire Winrate Discreptancy in General Discussion

    I was looking at my account ( that I play on normally (The one I'm posting with I haven't played with for about 3 months) and I've noticed that my win rate on Radiant is much higher than on Dire even though I have approximately the same games played on both sides. I then proceeded to check my friends account ( and although his isnt as much as mine, it still has the radiant vs dire win rate difference and I was wondering if anyone else had this and has any ideas why this came to be.

    Just a thought

    doc joferlyn simp

      Has been like this since time immemorial. The argument in the past was better camp positioning for x side, Roshan favoring Dire, certain chokepoints for defense/ganks and many more.

      Idk what the argument is for this patch.


        Ye radiant has globally higher winrate
        And afaik every hero has higher winrate on radiant than dire


          It's probably because of the camera angle