General Discussion

General Discussionim done with this game

im done with this game in General Discussion

    4 6k nows, what next? uninstall? or road to 7k?


      road to 7k

      1-IceTea 🌟

        ^Too hard for him.

        How about 5,6,7 and continue counting of 6K account?

        You can sell it if you didn't want so many JAJAJAJA.

        Edit : oh wait I remembered you once open a thread about you and Icefrog emailing each other,how about you ask him to help you get to a team and somehow arrange enemies that all have lower then 6K mmr?I am sure you will win it

        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
        also jdf8

          sell 3?


            @ice tea
            daily reminder that those who have house of glass should not throw stones :)

            if you think it is enough and want a life uninstall, if you want road to 7-8k and possible pro player route then go a head


              Come on brah, give me 1, i only have a 3.4k acc

              also jdf8



                  Frank, why don't you make a guide how to play riki,


                    please make a guide, i want to gitgud


                      next is kys


                        *collecting imaginary numbers*


                          ^ claims to be selling said imaginary numbers


                            Could get a job. Just a thought...

                            doc joferlyn simp

                              *collecting imaginary numbers*

                              Quite a witty statement

                              ^ claims to be selling said imaginary numbers

                              Huehuehuehuehue, wp

                              chicken spook,,,,

                                Mmr are real numbers
                                Imaginary numbers are like -2^1/2


                                  IM DONE WITH THIS GAME


                                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                  < blank >

                                    give me its my birthday tomorrow :(


                                      A 6k player reaches 6k again. Amazing.


                                        Uninstall and stop posting thanks


                                          delete it. change the password into wjdhsidndbjdkskskslsjzkzmmxmskxnjxkdkxjxnxkdldkcmdlxkmcnndkdmncnfnnnm. and you won't remember that


                                            You underestimate my memory

                                            BSJ. LGD

                                              6k player reaches 6k again. Amazing.


                                                Quit quit quit quit quit quit quit quit quit quit quit quit quit quit quit quit quit quit quit quit quit quit quit quit quit quit quit quit quit quit quit quit quit quit quit quit quit quit quit quit quit quit quit quit quit quit quit quit quit quit quit quit quit quit quit quit quit quit quit quit quit quit quit quit quit quit quit quit quit quit quit quit quit quit quit quit quit quit quit quit quit quit quit quit quit quit quit quit quit quit quit quit quit quit quit quit quit quit quit quit quit quit quit quit quit quit quit quit quit quit quit quit quit quit quit quit quit quit quit quit

                                                A Wild Pikachu Has Appeared!

                                                  noob riki spammer, said from the arc lord


                                                    amazing, if you are done with dota 2, then move to 7k, or 9k.


                                                      if u are done with dota, you quit and do the world a favour. what areu talking about. brain fart?


                                                        atta boy, go save the world.. one noob at a time


                                                          well well well, its time to go 7k


                                                            Your gameplay is too funny when you can't jungle lol

                                                            1-IceTea 🌟

                                                              I can jungle with everything xD


                                                                Pretty sure everyone who have seen you lane said that you're a 2k acc buyer

                                                                1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                  ^That's probably aren't true🙌

                                                                  Last time I play on lane was 3.8K mmr game,even by my improvement on machanic I don't think it will be higher then 4.5K skill now.

                                                                  If assuming that I didn't learn any laning machanic when playing lane of cause

                                                                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다