General Discussion

General Discussionjuggernaut game

juggernaut game in General Discussion

    we lost map control completely. all outer towers were down around 25 min. and enemy had decent control over the map. our wards were dewarded. i played bad too afterall. but how do we play in a situation when our towers are gone. and with such a draft.


      windrunner lost the top badly lane but other lanes were relatively fine.

      doc joferlyn simp

        Drag the game for as long as you can. The longer the enemy spends dilly-dallying means they have more mistakes to make. I mean, your team is turtling inside your base already not much mistakes can result from that except being jumped on, but then again not much you can do about that as well.

        Wait until the enemy makes little mistakes like the death of a support over there, they kill Rosh and deny Aegis for memes, people start building meme-y items like Octa Core since it can directly be bought from the side shop, or maybe even a Rapira. If you didn't lose completely just wait until the enemy fucks up, and then wait for them to fuck up even more to turn the tables on the game

        But best thing you should do is avoid this from happening in the first place, so you better muck in and get it right in the laning stage