General Discussion

General DiscussionNow we're asking real questions

Now we're asking real questions in General Discussion

    So if i hit a hero that has activated blademail and i activate my blademail before attacking, will the damage be reflected to that hero again or what?


      Blademail ception?


        Or will i be hexed?


          read blademail description please


            Shit doesnt reflect back reflected damage
            U wanna see BM to counter BM sudoku combo everygame?


              Since this question is retarded but is about an item that deserves some discussion, I ask: Is this item too OP after the last change it had?
              I mean, you could buy this item at 15 minutes or 50 minutes, and its still worthwhile and could have huge impact. Reflects damage before reductions and in the form in which you receive it. Pretty solid.

              doc joferlyn simp

                One of the more cost-efficient mid-game items out there. Best thing about it is that it scales with the enemies' damage capabilities.

                Cheap Laugh Guy

                  You both will get infinity damage on each other and die at the very first instance you touch


                    the thing that make blademail not OP is that 1-no one with brains are gonna hit you unless you are Axe or LC and 2-you need to be actually tankey to be useful with BM because your 600 hp 5 armor support will not make any impact with BM

                    but sometimes i buy BM on strength tankey hero (mainly my lycan) while playing vs too much AoE damage (fuck you invoker)that they cant avoid hitting them without killing themselves


                      What happens if AM with aghs casts mana void on a target with lotus orb?


                        Well. Blademail is somewhat an OP item on Axe and LC.


                          will be used twice on that target


                            LC can literally kill an SF which is fat af with LC only having Blademail. The same goes with Axe, Blink-Call and enemy right clickers are dead.


                              Unless they get linken which pretty much fucks up LC's ganking potential.


                                not that easy dude a farmed sf have either skadi or satanic with a shit ton of armor and will not die to 1500 hp LC with bm


                                  @jacked infinite mana voids?


                                    Basing on my experience, I can kill an overfarmed SF against my underfarmed LC easily.


                                      Unless, the gap is really high.