General Discussion

General DiscussionTell me , your junglers in your team with fucking heroes that not sup...

Tell me , your junglers in your team with fucking heroes that not supposed to jungle that makes you tilt. in General Discussion
Fee Too Pee

    Just climbed back to 4K : I GOT JUNGLE NECRO DAGON ROFL

    list of junglers i meet that make me want to punch someone (ranked):
    Abaddon (farming radiance)

    Savvy Cat

      @@ Jungle Iron Talon Zeus Midas Rush Dragon Lance Maelstrom Mask of Madness Jungle !!

      Too bad it was me.


        almost all junglers make me tilt.
        This may be because I'm a Pos 3-5 player so I'm always buying all the wards etc.
        Having a jungler means I cannot baby sit the safe lane carry and protect mid from dives. One or the other.
        Not only that greedy junglers rushing midas, blink etc. will not buy a single ward. If your lucky the jungler will happen to be at the camps near the safe lane or mid when they dive and he might pick up a kill after the carry/mid has died ( perfect example of this is Blood seeker)

        With the right draft you can run a greedy jungler. You've got to have a really strong offlane, and a really elusive mid.
        Also your safe lane must be able to be OK without support (Eg, Life stealer vs cent or slar ) That way even if the solo support rotates mid to counter the dive , the safelaner won't really suffer ( spec would be a very weak laner)

        Optimus Drip

          I love it when there is a support jungle. Like cm or some shit.

          зачем я начал поиск

            I don't care as long, as they aren't feeding and are impactful.


              Yes, with the change to MIDAS more and more supports are grabbing them.

              Chao Vritra

                ask icetea if jungling is bad roffle

                1-IceTea 🌟

                  Say something I giving up on you
                  and sorry that I meme to five . two
                  any post I would have just kappa and troll
                  Say something...


                    I get junglers nearly every single game and most of them buy midas

                    이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                    Fee Too Pee

                      I am fine with junglers that actually usefull after jungle a bit.

                      Cm get to gank early with exp
                      Bloodseeker gank at minute 6 with rupture
                      Lc get dagger minute 7 and duel
                      Axe can initiate latter

                      But examples like lifestealer is the definition loke useless

                      And i hope my jungle necro (lvl 6 in 10 minutes) burn in hell


                        NP WK with midas.........


                          @The Secret Queen

                          Seems legit to me. No Kappa


                            As long as im not mid, i dont give a fucc about junglers