General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy do people pick Rubick?

Why do people pick Rubick? in General Discussion
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    Why do some people pick Rubick in pubs? Is he fun to play?
    I mean, not even picking him in the right draft, where he might be useful, but picking him without a clear purpose.

    What do you guys think about support Rubick in general?

    QTG 幸せ

      I think some ppl just have fun stealing spells and pressing buttons

      Optimus Drip

        He has a stun and fade bolt, and then he picks more stuns from the enemy te. He is pretty good with a blink


          Highly versatile and can fit in with any draft. He's a very safe first-pick option.


            One of the more satisfying high skill-cap supports. Why wouldn't you pick him?


              He's fun to play, why analyze it any further?

              Chao Vritra

                Spell steal is really really fun, and he at least has a decent disable/nuke. This is one of the many heroes i always mean to play but forget.


                  Putting it out there that aghs rubick is arguably the highest skillcap hero to play in a team fight.

