General Discussion

General Discussionhero spammer 5k+

hero spammer 5k+ in General Discussion

    How do you guys expand your hero pool and to perform those other heroes as good as your best heroes?? im thinking if i can get 5k using arc how do i make my other heroes as good as my arc atleast 5-7heroes

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      spamming other heroes and drop 1k mmr, then climb back up


        when you can't gain any more mmr from arc you add a new hero and repeat


          3 heroes that u know and play good would be enough strongly recommending if you get well with a roamer hero like earth spirit, mirana .. you can dominate games easily. for expand it create a smurf , or search very high skill unranked games, %90 of those games are good to practicing your hero.


            1. don't create smurfs,

            2. play on your highest solo main account by instapicking

            3. unranked is dogshit, i can get 80%+ winrate there in solo unranked because it has no skill and it's dogshit

            4. don't listen to that guy