General Discussion

General DiscussionLF 4k+ EU Team

LF 4k+ EU Team in General Discussion

    As topic says. My account is like 10 games before calibration atm. Looking for serious team to play and train with and after maybe go for some amatour tournaments.


      u are normal skill, why 4k+ team

      u arent even 3k


        Im at high skill now... bcs maybe u dont know but normal matches before lvl 20 are cancer.... and i dont want to play as everyone to dont mind about team and jus dont die for KDA to go higher in hidden mmr... im playing my best not for bracket.... I will rise my mmr in normal ranked games


          no, u are 2k


            btw rules before calibration changed.... im at high skill but still playing with 4,5-5k players


              rly? high skill is 2k xD?


                no, rules didnt change, u are playing in high skill which is 3k

                but mostly ure normal skill which is 2k

                so post ur main or fuck off



                    just for ur info... normal is under 3,2k
                    3,2k-3,8k is high
                    and 3,8k+ is vhs

                    ofc u r talking about me like everyone... u saw just my dotabuff but u dunno how I can rly play and show me my "most" matches in normal skill.... Normal skill was in party with my noob friends and solo games depends now aswell on party mmr so go on... MOST GAMES IN NORMAL.. i see almost all in ghigh


                      one syllable anglo-saxon

                        thist "tryhard" guy is just mad cuz he played 10k games and still aint 6k lol!
                        ignore him, valve placed u in "high skill" so u cant be 2k


                          i mean if ure lying can u at least try to lie properly and not feed us with shit ty


                            man everyone thinks now they are gods... but they are shits... its same in my unranked games atm but.... whoc ares....


                              Nobody is pretending to be a god in this thread, they're just stating the facts. You play majority normal skill games with some high skill games and a negative winrate, which would suggest you aren't as good as you're claiming to be, nor are you as good as the players you are searching for


                                so maybe check again bcs i see more high than normal
                                and some normals are just bcs i was in party... am I wrong xD? and u even didnt tell about SOME VHS


                                  you have 48% winrate? 2.23 KDA Ratio which is mostly have 10 Deads than your kill in most of your game? and now you looking for 4K team? are u kidding me

                                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                    Dude, what do you want me to say about VHS. You have 10 games in VHS in which you have a 40% winrate, and 1 of the games you won was with you going 2-11 on spectre whilst another win was with a score of 5-8 on drow. The stats speak for themselves, you shouldn't be trying to pit yourself with players in a bracket beyond your capabilities.


                                      ok man... go mid in normal unranked game.. safelane without support or mid without courier and all ppl playing only for their own selves...

                                      doc joferlyn simp

                                        lmao what the fuck

                                        Potato Marshal

                                          Why is there at least one guy here every week who wants to form a team full of players with double their MMR?


                                            ok so for example... now max mmr u can calibrate is 3,5k
                                            when good player will make new account and calibrate it and want to join a team he cant join any good team bcs u r looking on his current mmr but he is old 4-5k player

                                            thats why score ppl like u r so stupid
