General Discussion

General DiscussionMeaningless comparison

Meaningless comparison in General Discussion
ILC - Lethal Ninja

    yes. i spam riki, and i only like to play riki. i probably will lose match playing other hero. so there is another spammer Frank who won much more games and higher mmr, but that doesn't make me a worse riki player than him. i'm not saying he is not good in playing riki, but people like yukiko should stop bashing me. i need not prove anything to you. i just enjoy what i play.

    ILC - Lethal Ninja

      Yukiko, miracle has a winning rate of 63.57% for TA for 140 matches. and you have 64.71% winning rate for 68 matches. so does that mean you are a better player?

      ILC - Lethal Ninja

        again, i'm not saying i'm a better riki player than frank. so don't get me wrong.


          4k being better than 6k

          oh boy, how i love the delusion in the 4k bracket

          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
          1-IceTea 🌟

            Dunning Kruger


              It's like I'm saying I'm not saying I'm a better antimage than cookie but I'm not worse than him

              Self contradicting bullshit
              Why would you even care about people bashing your ass for spamming 1 hero anyway



                ILC - Lethal Ninja

                  Cookie, its only 6000mmr compared to 4000mmr is only 80 matches winning difference.. That is meaningless comparison again.
                  And you being 5.7k mmr player has only won 55-60 matches more than me.. I can lose 500 mmr in 2 days, and that doest mean anything to me..

                  ILC - Lethal Ninja

                    not conflicting at all. Im saying i didnt mean im better riki player than frank, that doesnt mean im also worse than him because, there is no way you can compare by mmr and winning rate.. Because we play against different set of player, play with different set of players, all are variable.. You need some constants in comparing.. Thats why i keep saying, go study, knowledge empowers you. Not dota.


                      I'd lecture you right now, but you're waaaaaaaaay too stupid for me to bother.

                      Someone do my job here please.

                      ILC - Lethal Ninja

                        See, cookie, when you can not reply with knowledge, you resort to personal attack... you can just skip this thread if you dislike what i said

                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                          Meaningless thread?

                          ILC - Lethal Ninja

                            mah, you can skip this if you think it's meaningless


                              Meaningless thread.


                                Nah, i'm starting to get alergic from explaining shit to dunning kruger kids

                                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                  OP. you remind me of a specific normal skill noob. the statements he makes make a lot of sense at face value. and i am sure he thinks he is very convinced by his own analysis. but he, and you, are completely wrong of course. simply because you dont see the bigger picture, or don't fully understand the system. your level of analysis is just really shallow. its hard to lecture people like this

                                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                    How the fuck can I know it's meaningless without coming and reading first though?


                                      I'm a better antimage than cookie


                                        What I'm saying is why the fuck you stayed at 4K bracket while spamming riki while this other guy Frank reached 6K on 4 accounts spamming riki too. You see. He once played in your bracket. He was able to play with the same set of players you are playing with, now. Your reasoning seems illogical to me. Gaining MMR is a measure of how good you are. You stayed at 4K MMR with a thousand riki matches while this guy Frank was able to get 6K on 4 accounts playing riki. Man. It's too hard to explain this thing to a guy who doesn't want to listen.

                                        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                          Frank calibrated his last 6k acc at 3.5k

                                          He went trough the 4k bracket like a knife trough butter

                                          ILC - Lethal Ninja

                                            You are entitled to your opinion..Im not here to prove anything.. Meaningless to prove anything in Dota.. MMR is only a number.. Not from me, but from a pro player called Dendi.

                                            doc joferlyn simp

                                              Not here to prove anything but makes a thread and responds to every single comment gigaLUL


                                                when you ignore all facts and evidence proving you false, that means you are delusional.

                                                ILC - Lethal Ninja

                                                  Replying comment is not proving anything.. I think you should go to school instead of gaming


                                                    ^this guy is proof that you dont need a brain to get to 4k. LUL i'm looking at you benao


                                                      ''mmr is just a number''

                                                      - 8k mmr millionare ti winner who constantly flames everyone 6k and below calling them out for being low trash


                                                        He can't understand the logic behind. How can he understand the logic when he doesn't even have a brain? :thinking:

                                                        ILC - Lethal Ninja

                                                          ya.. keep name calling. that show what kind of person you are... im used to that in SEA server. nothing is new


                                                            Guess from which region this gem of intelligence comes...

                                                            SEA :))

                                                            doc joferlyn simp

                                                              Oh it's the everyone-can-greedily-pick-but-if-you-are-the-last-person-you-can-only-pick-support guy

                                                              If you're not here to prove anything, you don't care what we say or what we think of you. And yet here you are, defending your actions against every single comment in this thread. What's more is that you cling to the idea like you're somehow above us, like some low-self esteem retard who can't let any badmouthing against him go to pass

                                                              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                what op is telling is that mmr is just a number and there is no difference between him and miracle-, for instance.

                                                                the reason miracle- got 9k mmr is due to the fact that he plays long enough and is lucky that 59% of the time he got 4 skillful teammates that can work together.

                                                                LOL. classic example of "mmr is just a number".

                                                                if mmr is a number, you should see team of 3k 4k contesting in majors already.


                                                                  Ohhhhhhhh BOI


                                                                    i belive when he said mmr is just a number he didnt mean 4k=8k

                                                                    Giff me Wingman

                                                                      Sorry but same server and he can get 6k with the same hero, meaning he is better no matter how u look at it. Go check his matches and learn instead of being dunning kruger kid explaining how u are somehow equal or better than dogshitfrank.

                                                                      Story Time

                                                                        "only 80 matches winning difference" lol, it sounds so simple and yet it is HUGE!

                                                                        ILC - Lethal Ninja

                                                                          Again, all of you entitled to your opinion.
                                                                          Again, im not saying im better than frank nor he is better than me. You can interpret it whatever way you want.
                                                                          Again, the point of this post is not comparing me and frank, I was saying stop doing such comparison as there is no way to compare as there is no contants in such comparison, and if you don't understand what is constant, go back to school.
                                                                          Again, mmr is only a number is not said by me, but by Dendi.
                                                                          Again, go ahead of troll me or bash me for whatever reason that makes you happy, as I said I have nothing to prove.
                                                                          Again, im telling all of you the difficult path in being a pro player that can make a living, you can dream to be one, but I was presenting you the figures (in another post).
                                                                          Again, all the kiddo out there, dont chase meaningless mmr.

                                                                          doc joferlyn simp

                                                                            Winning on 1k as Invoker is equal to winning in 7k as Invoker :thinking:


                                                                              when someone tell me mmr is just a number i always answer " bank account is just an number"

                                                                              doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                Again, I
                                                                                Again, like
                                                                                Again, the
                                                                                Again, irony
                                                                                Again, of
                                                                                Again, your
                                                                                Again, words
                                                                                Again, please
                                                                                Again, don't
                                                                                Again, leave
                                                                                Again, keep
                                                                                Again, the
                                                                                Again, forum
                                                                                Again, happy
                                                                                Again, for
                                                                                Again, awhile




                                                                                    nc thread we got here