General Discussion

General DiscussionRiki versus Monkey King

Riki versus Monkey King in General Discussion

    Since the current popular build for Monkey King is to go Midas into Basher (or straight basher depending on the game flow), because of his teamfight capabilities with his ultimate, why isnt the same done with Riki? In fact, in a game that is going really well, he could even go Midas into Basher into Aghs, which arguably is even more powerful.

    Just to confirm, does the basher work in Riki's ultimate? So far as I can remember, it does...


      because riki deal a way more damage with diffusal first since his ulti guarantee backstab , and yes basher is super cool on riki but he need some items first


        I think that the cooldown for mk's basher would work differently than riki's basher during their ults. Like that mk would have many seperate cds, but riki would just have one
        I'm not sure though


          ^Fair point, however a bash on one hit guarantees bash on all heroes in the AOE for that hit. That could be pretty strong, especially on an Aghs Riki with say, a Storm.

          doc joferlyn simp

            Smoke + diffusal slow goes so well in trying to control heroes with no BKB or with BKB on CD. Even if for some reason I can't build Diffusal I'll build Dagger instead. Much more utility than way from what I see in high MMR streams. I dunno first hand though only Riki I've ever played is carry Riki