General Discussion

General DiscussionINJOKER

INJOKER in General Discussion
Forgot How to play

    Why is there so much hate on invoker players ??? I mean before the game starts they start to flame you and once u miss 1 sun strike they start saying injoker injoker!!! And they expect a lvl 7 invoker to use cyclone emp ss meteor and def blast combo with forge spirit and cold snap along with alacrity and icewall. I don't know about other servers but in sea without muting teammates u can't play well without others tilting u.

    Forgot How to play

      Say what you want but for me one can't play in peace with this hero

      doc joferlyn simp

        I play PA Echo Sabre and people flame but I don't care, I'm beautiful


          If you're talking about the word "injoker", it's just an easy way to flame a player doing bad plays while using that hero. We, SEA players used to call trash players as a "joke", so invoker+joke... there you go.

          Also, you can't really made up a shit nickname on other heroes. You normally just say; fucking retarded es, cancer meepo... and such.

          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

            i miss my tprnado emp wall combo but i dont care , im beautiful


              i miss snap meatball sunstrike and i dont care, im beautiful

              Forgot How to play

                Leelaw I know about the word and the flame is usually said by players who don't play or understand that hero


                  xuivoker sounds better


                    well i still believe that invoker is utterly broken that the only thing that made him balanced is how hard is it to master him , i don't flame my teammates invoker BUT i will report them if after getting agha they still play the forge+cold snap rightclick bullshit, like seriously if you want to play right-clicker midlaner just pick a motherfcking juggernaut

                    死の恐怖 Haseo

                      ^ big skills like meatball have huge cooldown . I won't waste my team fight spell for single hero imo . Cold snap alacrity forge is good in late game as well


                        Why? After Aghs, and after their carries BKB up, all you can do is right click, especially if you are in a 1v1 scenario (and you KNOW you can out auto attack them).
                        BTW, should always do alacrity + cold snap.

                        Also, if you aren't teasing out BKB charges ALL GAME (after the purchase), you need to quit playing Invoker. Literally only way to play late game is to Tornado + EMP + Ice Wall and blink out if they bkb up. After you get your O-Core, the CD on those spells is small enough you can spam away.


                          of course if you can kill a squishy with 2 spells you shouldn't don't meaningless stuffs and waste mana but i see alot of invokes going orchid cold snap forge spirit and call himself a decent person

                          i still think a skilled invoker will target the supports when carries bkb is up instead of trying to "out right click" a lifestealer/ursa/juggernaut/tb or ghostwalk back to drop the aggro before resetting the fight


                            ppl who pick invoker think they are 'all that'. that's why injokers get it rough when they fail. he's a greedy flashy hero that requires a lot of skill.


                              Not just mechanical skill either - you have to have great map awareness, or you will get ganked and die 2 or 3 times mid (wards help too). Also, you need to know when to farm and split push.