General Discussion

General DiscussionLv. 1000 Tı7 compendıum

Lv. 1000 Tı7 compendıum in General Discussion

    May ı know how much money you need to spend to reach Lv. 1000 compendıum? Thanks.


      i believe there is some sort of calculator to do so when you press to buy it , not 100% sure thou


        Some say it should be around $400+ pure money, without recycling immortals.

        >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

          455 to be exact.

          I have Ti6 aegis replica, it's pretty.


            I have TI5 and TI6 Aegis replicas. I spent about 400 for the TI5 one but i got lucky with the TI6 one and had like 4 or 5 50+ level boost things or whatever they were called last year.

            >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

              Do you know where I can get the Ti5 aegis for a reasonable price?


                fucking rich boy

                ILC - Lethal Ninja

                  wow. spent hundreds on online game. well done