General Discussion

General DiscussionNeed some to analyze this game.

Need some to analyze this game. in General Discussion

    Can someone watch and analyze the replay of my SF game?

    I am so disappointed by this lose. I believe we could have won this.


      Your items were pretty bad imo. Agha and refresher are just awful on sf. Silver-bkb-butter-link-satanic-bloodthorn (boots in backpack for bloodthorn in the late game )


        I thought aghs was good because of SF's talent tree. I bought the refresher late in the game just so we could have additional damage during clashes. I need someone who wants to watch the game. Not just analyze through seeing my dotabuff profile, just so you can see the flow of the game and why i bought those items.


          agh is only good if you are against meepo or illusions.


            So do you still get the +2 dmg per soul or the 15% lifesteal?


              Im pretty sure you are trolling ofc 2dmg per soul. Like 72 damage vs 15 lf.




                  I didn't get BKB because the game tells me not to get it. I would get it if I felt the need to get it, but the game tells me that I don't need the BKB. I am able to cast my ulti without getting bursted or disabled and I wasn't being focused that much.

                  Problems I saw on my point-of-view:
                  1. Spectre fed the enemy team. He got his Radiance around 36 minutes. He rushed it btw and still got it too late.
                  2. Late game decision-making. We were down 2 set of raxes as you can see. We were able to win several teamfights, but the crucial mistake I realized was we got lured into Roshan trying to create teamfights while LC tp'd bot to push our T4 towers. Of course he'll be able to push it in seconds with 700+ Victory Damage. Decided to tp back home while my team died one by one during the final clash. Dusa decided to tp out our baseto help out LC in pushing. I can't fucking do anything because LC hits the throne like a truck. GG. We lost. I tried though.


                    Thats why I want someone to watch it because the data here in dotabuff doesn't tell us the flow of the game.


                      You bought Silver Edge. :)

                      The Agha & Refresher wasn't needed, you had a Spectre that bought a 26min Midas and blademail ugh, a Lone Druid with Silver Edge (WTF?!), you could have opt to buy a Butterfly as no one had MKB, and maybe a Scythe for some CC.

                        이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.

                          Silver Edge to counter LC and Timber? What the fuck is wrong with that. LC won't lifesteal once I hit him, not to mention the Damage Reduction. Same goes with timber, disables his Reactive Armor. Butterfly for? LC doesn't even want to hit me, same goes with Dusa.


                            Ahh. You're 2K that's why.

                              이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.

                                My six-slotted items before getting Refresher were. Boots of Travel, Manta Style, Silver Edge, Diffusal, Aghanims, Linken. I bought Refresher because I had the money and I do feel that we were lacking teamfight damage. I was able to use it in one of the teamfights and I got an Ultra Kill. PLEASE. WATCH THE GAME.


                                  why no moonshards


                                    ^Forgot that one earlier. I only remembered it when we went to contest Roshan, which costed us the game.


                                      ^Oh you miss the joke, if you read my other post on the item I approve of SE on SF only to break passives, HOWEVER there was no reason Druid needed the item. Butterfly isn't just an evasion item it boost SF right clicks quite significantly and it isn't the question of not hitting you as evasion boost your EHP if your opponents don't have MKB.

                                      Lastly no I'm not 2k, this account is something I got for fun.

                                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                        If u want an usefull review to see if and when u did domething wrong to improve yourself, we can watch the replay togheter and I can tell you what you and/or your team did wrong. This should be the best way to give you feedback, if you want it though.


                                          Lol. I thought you were serious. I was torn between getting EHP/HP items over Damage items. I got the Satanic as to somewhat boost my EHP. But I also wanted to deal more damage. Btw, I realized I am dealing enough Damage thats why i bought Satanic. I can kill all of them solo in seconds except Dusa. I also never thought Aghs is a bad item on SF with his talent tree, but with additional 40 damage just to get Aghs. I realized it isn't that worthy.


                                            Couldve gotten daedalus/mkb/butterfly with the agha slot. Better DPS. My bad.


                                              @Bratan yeah. I would want that but idk. I dont have my own PC. Maybe you could make it into a video just so I can watch it via Youtube, or something.


                                                ignored FeelsBadMan


                                                  I've read it late. Haha. Sorry my bro.


                                                    hmm im one of the players, looking at the lineup, i would plan to get a bkb definitely. doesnt matter if the game is going well and i think maybe i dont need it. SFs one of those heroes that doesnt totally hate getting it..maybe get it later


                                                      Well even if u don't have ur own pc u still play dota. So I can imagine that you can play a game with this pc, but not when you want and for how much time you want. I can add you and we can watch it when we both have 1 hour and you have a pc, what about this


                                                        With my Internet I won't be able to upload 30/60 min videos ever :'(


                                                          @Jacked. Idk. I'm not getting caught that much thats why I didn't had the urge to get BKB.

                                                          @Bratan. Yeah sure. That would be nice. I dont know when tho. I usually pay to play at cafes. I dont want to use my time watching my replays. If I can watch the game for free that would be nice.


                                                            Well I added you, we'll find a way for sure on the steam chat


                                                              but i mean in a late game scenario, i cant imagine how u would get around fights without a bkb. unless ur some god tier player. lol


                                                                Why are some people that worse than this guy trying to teach him something xD 2k trying to teach a 3k player, not like this man

                                                                You shouldnt build agha and RO, right click sf is way more better than magic damage sf, with daedalus butterfly satanic and silver edge, you can just right click someone then go afk


                                                                  @Bratan. I'll accept it tomorrow. Thanks!

                                                                  @Jacked. They don't put detection? I usually walk in clashes casting requiem at the middle of the fight. That's why I'm telling everyone to watch the game. Lion is the only reliable disable on their team and he usually cast it on anyone who he sees first (which isn't me).

                                                                  @Chai Bot. I built Agha because i thought the 40+ additional damage on the talent was worthy. xD It was only now that I realized I shouldve gotten real DPS items. The refresher I got was gotten late in the game. It was my 7th slot item, just to maximize my teamfight potential. I usually swap it with BoT when clashes are about to start.


                                                                    @ chai bot. filthy TA spammer!