General Discussion

General DiscussionNew Matchmaking is so good

New Matchmaking is so good in General Discussion

    Solo ranked mm since new system is introduced feels so good.

    Everybody try and do their best to win the game, minimum number of smurfs compared to before, actually nearly no smurfs anymore.

    No party stacks that care only about each other, flame other team members, not accepting any ideas criticisms from other members of the team are gone ! Thank god for that

    This makes solo q even better quality and more fun.

    My winrate since new matchmaking introduced is %65 while before it was around %48-49 and more important than that is overall quality of matchmaking feels lot better.

    Thank you valve. Good job done.


      Wtf my party mmr says 3.5k but when i look im 3k wtf is this.


        Thanks valve when i play party i'm up against 4.5k sometimes 5k :(


          no wonder nobody flames anymore in my solo games


            @sf ng PINAS read the patch notes


              I still can't feel it the change in matchmaking


                My experience is, I've been queuing with higher MMR players compared to mine (3-4k players while I'm 2k). I do occasionally get 4 or 5 carry teams but for the most part experience has improved and complete newbies are almost completely absent unless they are partying with high skill players. Drafts are slightly better, smurfs are still present now and then but whenever the last date for assigning phone numbers with accounts will arrive, I think they will be almost completely eliminated. I've also experienced queuing with other parties (usually 4 stacks) a lot more despite queuing solo. I only play normal games btw, not ranked, but do plan on getting back into the grind soon. Will see how it goes there.

                GRANT MACDONALD

                  Gone from 1.7 to 2.3 since new matchmaking. Peru queues with peru and usa queues with usa.

                  9/10 i am paired with 4 other dudes that have pma, speak english and dont flame

                  Livin' Real Good

                    Ever since the change, I shot up from 4.1K to 4.8K, but a few days ago (check my dota buff) got a huge losing streak, and i'm still losing games, my behavior score is also shit now. (now at 4.3K mmr) Teams were fantastic during the win streak, then all of a sudden games became unwinnable with every game having two toxic teammates with dumb picks, so eventually I became toxic, and my behavior score went down.

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