General Discussion

General DiscussionDon't 1st pick slark

Don't 1st pick slark in General Discussion
    This for those cocky pricks who 1st picks carry when nobody's intends to support at first. I challenged myself to 1st pick slark, I was playing with my 1k and 2k friend, it's a unranked normal skill game. I was trying my best, I believe my opponents did as well, I made no game losing mistakes that game, and had some amazing chrono, iceblast dodges with dagger, but it didn't matter, a hard countered slark would never solo carry a game, if you are that self-centred carry player, do not 1st pick slark.
    Hope this thread would help improve 2k 3k bracket for a bit.

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      I first pick invoker every game rofl

      Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

        Only aa, no bloodseeker or heroes with solar crest. Nothing funnier than a slark coming out of shadow dance to die via solar crest buff. He pops so fast!


          No game losing mistake hmm makes me think


            ^in other words, the game was unwinable.


              Pfft losing a games against 2k using slark


                Your dagger itself is a mistake you maybe 4k playing agianst 2k doesn't mean you can win with meme build


                  What if I told you any role/hero can buy wards and courier


                    ^ dagger on slark isnt that bad, it's at least situational


                      15 minute dagger surely is situational


                        Dagger was the best choice of an item this game *Thumbs Up* as he has mentioned it allowed him to dodge incoming chronos and iceblasts. I don't think Slark was a bad pick this game maybe if your tusk bought a dagger as well he could have started fights as your team lacked initiation, could have also used it to save lives.


                          line up matters

                          doc joferlyn simp

                            When I was still active 2 games a day first pick Slark, Jugg, and AM and still maintain 60% winrate. Git gud scrub

                            old man

                              tbh idm all these 4 cores lineup in my team but what piss me off is slark-first pickers. the the enemy came up with bloodseeker and aa and the slark just cry about how hard the game is. yea sure kiddo thats what you get when you first pick shit like that.


                                Chrono ice-blast, dead, even when I had s&y and skadi, I need to dodge both spells and purge out of rp in order to win a team fight, blink was the only play, 15 min was not that bad, I had a shit lane, and I had about 1,685 gold small items with treads before blink, pms,qb,Aquila.


                                  Forcestaff was the item for u op


                                    I auto first-pick slark back when I was grinding from 2.9-3.1. I win games


                                      You could actually solo kill all enemy heroes except Void. And I guess you, going blink hindered your hunting potential? Yeah you could dodge ice-blast, chrono, etc. but I think you put so much thought on enemy ultis.

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                                        SB/SE > Blink


                                          There are more options you can have like bkb and extra escape shadow blade I'm still processing the thought why you bought sny


                                            idk tho i don't play slark