General Discussion

General Discussionterrorblade farming help pls

terrorblade farming help pls in General Discussion

    i just played tb game and i think farming was real issue over there. this hero has a lot of farming potential. i watch replays of higher mmr player and analyzed my games too. in an okayish game , i get around 60 - 65 by 10, 145 - 150 by 20 and 245 - 250 by 30. i think this isnt good and this number should increase to atleast 300 by 30 in an avg game. i do micro illusions by sending them to lane while farming jungle. take objectives either on my own or with team. but how do i develop my overall efficiency, like by improving farming pattern. liike rotating between creep waves and jungle well and micro illusions at correct time?


      Takes practice, just please remember. Towers over cs. Don't focus so much on creep kills over objectives.
      It's always funny playing against a team where their carry is more focused on gpm rather than winning.

      Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

        CS doesn't mean anything if you're team is losing. You can have 500 CS by 30 minutes but if they have a good necro player on the enemy team or silencer you will never get off sunder. Tb best potential is to come late during fights clean up then seige towers/base. His power spike comes when he gets that manta and dragon lance around that 30-40 min. mark before carries become online.


          In a split push game i could get 10cs permin in 25 min. Nomatter how hard the lane is. On the other side i can get like 150cs in 30min but i have already taken all of the objective


            Press w, then A click down a lane everytime its off cd.


              Micro the illus while you don't need to pay attention to NC's right


                As I said I do take objectives when I see right conditions for it, like in ms skill I, enemy 5 man gather to take one tower or some important targets are down, I take objectives. The previous game I took more towers rather than getting in uneccesary fights which our team took. But I didn't come for early pickoffs. Should I rotate in fights around 10 - 20 min or try pushing towers ?? As tb


                  Please dont listen to the great cancer, everything he just said is 10000% wrong.

                  If you want to get good at farming you need to be able to do farming patterns without using your brain, fully automatically

                  Easiest way to do that is to do my challenges.