General Discussion

General DiscussionMMR grind

MMR grind in General Discussion

    Alright, so I've been 2k for a really long time, I mean really long time...

    I started playing Dota 2 a couple of years ago with no experience in Dota 1 or any other MOBA of this sort. I was naturally very bad and didn't get any advice from the person who introduced the game to me except for "get the last hit on creeps to get gold" which as we all know doesn't even begin to describe how this game works or how to win. I calibrated my MMR pretty early on without much experience or knowledge of its importance. I even had to abandon a game while calibrating ranked coz of my mom (no further explanation required I think) and although I don't remember how much I got at first, I had a low point of 1.4k MMR. I played a bit more and as I improved I got to 2.2k and then stopped ranked entirely.

    Since then (about 1000 games played) I only played normal or party ranked since with just a little bit of teamwork and a dual support/carry combo we could wreck any team. I have learned quite a bit from some higher ranked friends, professional games and of course Youtube replays. I haven't subscribed to any Gameleap or Pvgna guides but got as much knowledge as possible for free.

    Now I believe my normal games are too frustrating (probably because I have a higher hidden MMR and queue with 3k-4ks) so I've decided to prove once and for all I'm better than your average 2k. I've started the grind only a few days back and so far my win-loss ratio is 12-6. I did lose some games despite performing extremely well but not telling my team to finish games or picking a hero that couldn't solo win teamfights.

    This is what I've learned so far:
    1. A perfect draft does not matter. Picking a strong hero that counters/semi-counters most enemy heroes will win you the game even if you have a weak early game.
    2. You can win on supports. Knowing how to ward, when to ward, where to ward and how much to spend on support or selfish items is key. Position 4 roaming supports are the best if you have no choice and there are 4 cores. Early aggression will demoralize the enemy team and get you some important map control.
    3. Pick a hero that is versatile, can offlane, mid or jungle. Trust me, despite picking a hero I thought was perfect in the draft and despite my team pointing to map locations you think they're gonna go to, they won't do it. They will change their mind, come to your lane and leech xp and last hits.
    4. Go to options and select the option "Mute all incoming chat". Trust me, if you're 2k, your team is also 2k, and most of the things they are going to tell you are going to be wrong. They will make wrong decisions, die and flame you for not joining them. Its very important to not get tilted, and this is the best solution for it. Same goes for taunts from the enemy. This is better than manually muting every player on your team when the game starts since it still allows you to get important information from your team like "Missing" and allows you to tell them "Get back", "Relax, you're doing fine" etc.
    5. You can't win them all. No matter how well you play, some games are unwinnable. If you're team is incapable in fighting, you can try split pushing and getting objectives, but with the heroes I've seen picked (Riki, Spectre, most Shadow Blade heroes), its extremely difficult.

    Alright, so I'm gonna continue my grind, and I'd like to invite anyone who wishes to do the same to join me. We can help each other with things that we learn. We can also talk about strong heroes, meta picks, heroes to stay away from and general tactics. Or, if someone is of a higher mmr and is willing to share knowledge, feel free.

    P.S. I have taken a vow not to pick my most played hero (Invoker) in this grind. I'm a tryhard, fuck me, right?

    >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

      What is it you want to hear and want to be told?

      Or did you come here for honest opinion/fact?


        Say whatever you want to say

        1. Trash opinion, I still take it: My loss, no one else's.
        2. Trash opinion, I ignore it: We all move on.
        3. Good opinion, I take it: I improve, no one loses.
        4. Good opinion, I ignore it: My loss, no one else's (Except maybe your ego).

        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

          Long story to read.


            Your hidden MMR is 2400-2600 based on the players you play against.

            Your points:
            1) You contradict yourself and look like an idiot.
            2) In 2k mmr - roaming is useless. If you want to grind MMR (and are actually higher), play a pos 1 or 2. Why? Because if your carry is a
            TRUE 2-3k MMR player, he will likely not know what lane equilibrium is, how to last hit, harass, itemize, or even farm.
            3) Stupid point. If everyone on your team always picked versatile heroes - you'd lose the game.
            4) Only mute at the sign of stupidity or flame. Don't bother responding. Lately, its been 50/50 whether the team I have is autistic or actually willing to play DotA. If they want to play DotA, you are better off keeping them unmuted.
            5) Not all games are winnable, but YOU are more of a factor than you'd think. If I would have kept my mouth shut in my last two TA games, I might not have made my teammates AFK in the fountain, feed intentionally and DC. We were behind, but both games were easily winnable.

            Why not play Invoker? The hero is strong, and not easily countered.


              1. You didn't bother explaining why or how. Please expand.
              2. I have won games by roaming. People are used to static afk lane farming in low mmrs. Spirit breaker is one of my highest winrate heroes because of that. The lack of rotation gets you kills or at least guarantees harassing the enemy out of the lane. In the mid to late game, the instant someone is spotted on the map, I charge and can often solo kill them. This keeps the enemy underfarmed and stuck in base. This makes roshan easy and the rest is simple.
              3. Please read closely before saying something is stupid. I said YOU should pick a versatile hero, not YOUR ENTIRE TEAM. 3 games in a row in which I played offlane magnus I had a riki with a blight stone, quelling blade and backstab come into my lane and farm like a carry instead of roaming or harassing the enemy jungle legion commander. I immediately went to the jungle, because I could. This is what you need out of a hero. Despite slower farm and levels and the riki ultimately failing his lane and losing the tower in under 10 minutes, I won those games.
              4. I have had different experiences clearly, so let's agree to disagree.
              5. Agreed.

              I might be good at invoker and the hero may be strong, but people do not know when he gets power spikes and when he is supposed to fight. Besides, getting mid lane in my games is close to impossible. Mark mid and your hero, someone else will pick invoker and mark mid to intentionally screw with me. I first pick, get countered, and someone else will intentionally pick another mid hero and come dual lane with me. Besides, I don't want to be just an invoker player. I wish to be versatile and be able to win in any scenario.

              Thank you for your feedback.

              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                just first pick and get countered. so what. lol

                >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                  ^ Literally.

                  I first pick 80% of the time. Especially when I support, I just first pick.

                  >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                    First picking also gives you an idea of how your team works.

                    If you first pick CM, and your teammate highlights Jugg after, that is a sign of a good player that pays attention.

                    First picking is better since you get a feel of who is potentially retarded and who is worth your efforts.

                    Have fun

                      I just know how u feel bro. 2k MMR is just like playing w/o objectives, no roaming needed and just farming like a BOT for 30 mins. They will only push the tower after AFK farming for 30 mins. Whenever I playing with my friends with 1-2k MMR, I will just start playing like a retard, and yet they still no complained about it. To be honest, even u reach high MMR, u will still get some bad games. Just don't take it seriously and not tilted ,that's all matter. After all, Dota is just a game.


                        @Cat Chan Guy I first pick when no one else wishes to pick and would rather lose gold as well. In fact I'm confident enough to random first pick because I can play any hero and since there's a good chance I'll get countered, I might as well get the bonus gold. The point I was making was first picking invoker. Yes, a good invoker player can play against any lineup, but why make it unnecessarily hard and let the enemy build their whole draft with centaur, TA and the likes making teamfighting for you difficult?

                        Anyway, a few points I'd like to add from the last few games that I played:
                        1. Templar Assassin, Terrorblade, Centaur Warrunner, Magnus and Necrophos are really strong (Thouh you probably knew that from pro games). Abaddon is also game-winning stat-wise but the one game I played on the hero I had grievers feeding non-stop. I'll try the hero a few more times.
                        2. Offlane is the best position to play: farming capability, early teamfight potential, tankiness, versatility (laning/jungling) and being able to control the flow of the game. I'd like some tips on Dark Seer though, I don't do very well with the hero, especially in the early game.
                        3. I won games on heroes like IO and Phoenix, in the 2k MMR bracket. Trust me, supports win games. However there are a few heroes you should stay away from. Oracle for instance, he was super strong pre 7.00 and I used to wreck with ease. He just seems too weak now. Silencer is the safest and easiest pick when you're confused.


                          you can easily grind with supports, iv'e proven that with my CM guide.

                          also i'd disagree on some other points as well

                          1. you don't need teammates AT ALL in low brackets and you can win like 90% of the games just by yourself. i've had dozents over 40 winstreaks in low mmr.

                          2. stop playing versatile and just instapick your hero, it's a waste of time to try to counter especially since you don't know how to play that hero you're countering with nor can your enemy play HIS hero

                          just pick your own hero and play your own game

                          p.s best for boosting was always the midlane overall since you remove a lot of variance by not having to deal with teammates.

                          offlane would be best if you're boosting using brood, but not other heroes, because brood spammers can grind like 500+ mmr a day since they just destroy the enemy ancient by 20 minutes every single goddamn match.

                          the rest what you noted i'd say is fine overall

                          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                            Agreed, but to be honest with you, I'm seriously OCD and like to be versatile. I could spam 3 strong heroes if I wanted to, but that's not how I want to climb MMR. Besides, I'm not boosting someone else's account. This is my account and I'm not a VHS player. So even though I played a lot, doesn't mean I am going to be a mile ahead of my 2k counterparts. That's why I don't have pages and pages of wins. I just started playing ranked a few days back and the score is 14-7, so atleast I'm gaining and not losing.

                            Btw, I have no idea what to do with this broodmother hero. How can you win when you dont get solo lane? People in my bracket don't know about the offlane position. They dont understand the xp importance. Besides, base damage is terrible, you will lose out to your own teammate trying to last hit. I can wreck in the early game but I draw a lot of attention because of that and see 5 man coming to my lane with a chock full of sentries. Meanwhile, my teammates are obviously farming the jungle with the space made. And against heroes like slardar, its almost impossible.

                            Can you make one thing clear, am I supposed to stay static in my lane and put pressure on towers and racks for the entirety of the game? Coz that's how the webs restrict you. Or maybe I'm just bad at managing web charges and switching to different lanes?

                            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                              brood spammers get like 7-9 minute orchid and just go HG at 15 minutes due to all their snowball

                              they easily beat 1v3 lanes

                              you just gotta make your teammates give you a solo lane, either by asking them politely or if it doesn't work just threatening to feed.

                              if you want more info watch bipdongoe on twitch

                              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                You contradicted yourself on your first point
                                1. I agree on drafting is pointless
                                2. Yes
                                3. Maybe but then again, drafting and versatility is the same shit which contradicts your first point
                                4. Big yes
                                5. Big yes


                                  Okay, this is the last time I'm going to mention this or talk about it.
                                  When I talk about a perfect draft, its about all 5 heroes in your team. That's 4 strangers you have never met before planning to all choose different lanes, different positions and have a plan in hand.
                                  When I talk about strong counters to enemy heroes, I talk about your hero, and YOUR HERO ALONE. Just because your team makes stupid picks and obviously weak heroes against the enemy's, doesn't mean you should too. If your hero can fight the enemy, have great game impact, split push when necessary, whatever it takes, then you made the right hero pick. Versatility can be explained by one hero and one hero alone: Mirana. You can roam, mid, safe lane, offlane, even jungle in between rotations. You pick that hero and you don't care what your team picks.

                                  Understand? Or are you people so fucking retarded or bad at English that you need 2nd grade words to explain this?

                                  Or better yet, just take a look at this game. I pick Spectre 2nd pick which is immediately followed by a Sven and Bloodseeker. Both take safe lane and offlane respectively with the intention to farm with quelling blades. Invoker first pick takes mid. I go jungle, buy midas before invoker does, fight whenever haunt is up and destroy the late game. Despite getting a near 30 minute radiance by which time Sven had Blink, Echo, Crystallis, I farmed faster than him, died fewer times, had more damage, took more objectives, had highest networth. Enough said?



                                    So these are some of the games I've had the pleasure to play in the last couple of days. I'm starting to think this was all a big mistake.

                                    이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                      Young padawan. Think not just to win fights, but when to win fights. That is all


                                        Actually I have no idea what your point is about versatility and picks. Just first pick whatever u want and try your best


                                          Jacked wasn't Order 66 executed already?


                                            you nerd


                                              I feel like I just witnessed a turtle peaking out of its shell for the first time in days.

                                              This guy went from being a 100% not give a flying fuck casual unranked player to peaking his head into solo ranked and then gave up after 2 days. He's one of these rubick pickers who do 5k hero dmg and die 16 times in 50 minutes, and basically do nothing but walk around the map with 4 wards in their inventory.

                                              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                ^You know so much.

                                                Potato Marshal

                                                  Please don't pull that "my secret MMR is 1-2k higher than my actual MMR" crap. I just looked at a few of your recent games and you don't understand basic skill or item builds despite having played more games than me. From what I saw you:

                                                  -Put multiple points into centaur's return before putting a single point into double edge until level 8
                                                  -Max dispersion first as spectre and maxed dagger last
                                                  -Max your passive first as LC and not putting a single point into overwhelming odds till 8
                                                  -Rushed vanguard on CK, and maxed his crit first

                                                  You belong in 2k, I don't know what kind of guides or videos you've been watching this whole time because you don't even understand the basics for a lot of the heroes you play.

                                                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                    if you really understand dota more by now u can achieve winrates in 2k approximately 95% im owning 2k kids with my brothers account


                                                      your points were mostly fine and cookie pointed out the ones that werent
                                                      also if u built those skills and items above just blindly follow the pro builds from now on, least is u gonna do the right thing witbout knowing why instead of wrong thing without knowing why it's wrong


                                                        @Potato Marshal

                                                        1. I put multiple points into return instead of double edge because I was solo laning against a PA who was retarded, aggressive and kept using dagger, I wrecked her easily and won every single teamfight for my team with 3 man stomps and perfectly timed initiations.
                                                        2. I maxed dispersion as spectre because I was jungling level 1. This is because after 2nd picking my hero, the following picks were Sven and Bloodseeker, who took offlane and safe lane with quelling blades with clear intentions to farm. I bought a midas before our midlane invoker and dominated the entire lategame with an unbroken beyond godlike streak, more farm, KDA and damage than the sven despite a 30 minute radiance. I already discussed this before.
                                                        3. I maxed my passive on LC because I wasn't laning. I know maxing Q and building phase boots is the right way to go against a melee enemy carry when solo offlaning, but in my bracket, that position does not exist and I never get solo offlane.
                                                        4. I rushed vanguard on CK because again, I jungled level 1 because the other heroes on the team had higher farm priorities in the safe lane and with intentions to both farm and fight against a mainly physical damage heavy lineup, I went vanguard.

                                                        Yes tell me more, tell me more about why I'm in 2k. Because I'm going to ignore you the same way every single person I encounter, whether in game or here on this forum either blatantly ignores me or will repeat the same thing over and over regardless of what they know or think they know. Thank you all for your opinions.

                                                        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                        死の恐怖 Haseo

                                                          Have you tried to 1v9 in 2k games as invoker/sf ?

                                                          Potato Marshal

                                                            You're 2k because you're trying to argue how reflecting an extra 4% of damage as spectre to jungle creeps or 5 damage as centaur is worth leveling up over your nukes.

                                                            You'd rather jungle for 40 minutes at a snails pace while having zero game impact.

                                                            You can sit there for 2 minutes to do the math on why your logic is retarded, or you can play another 3500 games in the 2k bracket and wonder why there's a conspiracy to keep you from the 4k mmr you think you deserve.


                                                              I get 2 points in return instead of one and you call that bad decision making. By looking at incomplete stats on Dotabuff. You don't watch the replay, don't even look at more detailed stats in game and most certainly weren't playing the game. You don't bother commenting on how I won both those games, especially as a spectre forced to jungle level 1. Despite fighting every time haunt was on cool down. Yes, maxing dagger and using it twice with the hero's mana pool really helps me farm faster. Thanks.

                                                              I expected something different from this forum considering the type of posts I see on the blog, but that's obviously my mistake. You refuse to acknowledge the conditions under which I was forced to play those games and ignore the fact that I actually won them. I'm happy for you and your 4k MMR.

                                                              Whether I stay trash or get out of it, I no longer wish to share or prove to anyone. I'd like to request a mod to close this thread.


                                                                If I was forced to jungle with spec I'd rather max desolate and get a quick VG for quicker farming speed and comes online asap
                                                                But whatever floats your goat, stubborness is what kept alot od people down on their mmr

                                                                in and out

                                                                  calibrated 999 went down to 600 and now im also 2k :) just gitgud


                                                                    best way to climb mmr in 2k is heroes who can hit towers/ independent heroes like ursa/ naix