General Discussion

General DiscussionInternational Party Ranked SEA or JAPAN

International Party Ranked SEA or JAPAN in General Discussion

    I have 9 Games TBD int'l party ranked... Anyone willing to party with me. I'd be very thankful if you guys can help me reach 3 or 4k. Recalibrating Btw. I'm a 1K scrub...




        first submit your application, and tell us why you think you deserve 4k mmr in 500 words or less.


          I'm just a 1k Scrub with 1,180 plus games played... Grinded 300+ games as invoker... Which is my fave hero by the way... So I hope you guys can help........ Again, i'm a 1k scrub. I have no bragging rights coz i'm 1k. Just want to climb up...


            well if u want to play with 4k, you must convince us that you are 4k. otherwise who will party with you? what are your strengths and weaknesses?

            what is ur favourite hero? and how do u build ur favourite hero?

            treat this as the interview


              Invoker-------midas on 7-10 mins. if game is a bit hard. midas at 13 mins.... eul's is a must for me when i play SOLO mmr. dagger is okay but requires team sync and proper positioning... ags can get it 17 mins if i rush ags. if not i go euls 1st for movement speed around 15-20 mins could get ags 20-25 mins. Linken's or rush referesher. I get Octarine last but i see pro's getting it first, but i'm not pro. i tend to rush refresher to help teammates (Optional: Blink dagger or boots of travel around 25-30 mins)...

              Spectre-------different builds for different situations.
              Tinker--------dagon ethereal ags
              SF----bos -bottle- aquila- shadowblade - magic wand-boots of travel, after boots i tend to adjust and see enemy builds and from there i build my late game items. depends on the situation.
              ES- core dagger build on es between 10-15 min dagger. then roam and ward... shadowblade optional... smoke ganking etc etc.
              SandKing- 10-15 min dagger. roam


                you have get like 25/1/15 k/d/a in every game to jup from 1k to 3-4k


                  That's why I need help 9 games TBD Party Int'l Ranked.


                    10 minutes ago

                    you have get like 25/1/15 k/d/a in every game to jup from 1k to 3-4k

                    somehow not true. you need to win with a very pro skill to get to 3-5k.


                      How can you join a big dick big boy gang if the best you have is a one inch punisher?