General Discussion

General DiscussionTips on how to improve

Tips on how to improve in General Discussion

    I recently calibrated at 2,9. Did seasonal calibration also got 2.9.

    Confirmed my feeling that I'm at the place where I belong.

    Now I need to improve though, spamming CK won't get me far i guess

    What I think I need to do;
    1. Widen hero pool
    2. Improve laning stage and farming patterns

    What do other people do when they hit a plateau?

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      qucik remidner that my guide is there and you can use it to improve and get higher mmr


        what guide though


            I focus on my biggest flaw which I notice on the fly on my own games and after analyzing replays


              yep, I think that should do it for the next few months


                Read Guides like the one linked, analyze replays, watch pro players in perceptive or streams, play with people of higher mmr there are numerous ways to improve yourself, or you can just play the game and learn through experience.

                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                  Learnig through experience only works if you play with logical and critical thinking
                  Otherwise you'd be bashing your head onto your keyboard for hundreds of matches hoping that the stars line up for you and the only difference you would have between you and your past gameplay is that you feed slightly less


                    ^So are you saying no one is cable of it? If you play continuously, eventually you will gain the necessary knowledge to be proficient at it (you are playing with individuals, that you learn from while playing) you may not be getting into the higher mmr's but you are bound to improve over time, then if you want to improve further you are free to delve deeper into the complexity of things.


                      it is bad because of the fact that you can learn wrong things while climbing and these bad habbits will haunt you
                      there's 100x more players with 5k+ matches and 0-2k mmr than players with 5k+ matches and 6k+ mmr

                      simple to the fact that you will learn wrong things from experience, like taking bad fights(i see this so much frequently in 0-6k that it's just ridiculous) and then when you ask them why they took a fight they'll say it's because they felt like that should be the play.

                      i've just analysed some games in my thread you can see the first analysis video had a game that just went back and forth in the midlane for 20 minutes till 1 team got enough advantage to keep killing hte other because htey had better heroes and won, not because they were better players but BECAUSE THEY WERE LUCKIER

                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                        Okay will have to take back my point then, As I guess people do pick up bad habits from just playing games and even if you do explain it to them what they are doing wrong they get hostile and stubborn then proceed in thinking they are right even after losing the game.

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                          Haffy once said that he'd rather play against high lvl pkayers on his 2k bracket because they're so unadaptive and stuck on their own ways, which makes them easy to predict and very easy to exploit their weaknesses


                            I will watch one replay of your favorite hero and give you advice for the price of battlepass. What do u say?


                              Btw it's true game experience is nothing if you are not actively trying to figure out why you suck and what could be done better.