General Discussion

General DiscussionWaitWhat WaitWhat WaitWhat

WaitWhat WaitWhat WaitWhat in General Discussion

    I have 1.7k matches and my most used hero is Invoker and i only played him 70+ times
    Someone count it for me pls

    死の恐怖 Haseo

      I googled and see there's 112 hero in dota 2 in case if you don't know too!


        Versatility in 2017


          So versatile

          ILC - Lethal Ninja

            so you playing pro? if not why bother


              1.7k matches
              Most Played : 74
              Other players i have seen
              500 matches
              Most played : 300


                versatility over the charts

                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                  Get versatile mate 3.6k games, none over 69.


                    god damn, finally i found someone like me
                    but its time to increase your mmr dude
                    i have tried to spam troll, TA, kotl, PA but i cant, i got bored after 4 or 5 games, idk why xD


                      WaitWhat my most used hero was Windrunner in 76 games and I had 2.4k games WaitWhat


                        KarakChai FTW


                          Its actually hard to find that versatile player lol