General Discussion

General DiscussionThe history of Dota

The history of Dota in General Discussion

    I never played Dota 1 before, only seen a few playthroughs and videos on Youtube, so I've been curious as to how the whole laning system developed... Can someone tell me how the system of carries going safe lane, mid-laners going solo and offlane becoming hard lane came to be? Was it always like this or did certain players invent this system? Were there any tactics or game decisions that were prevalent way back then that are still existent now? Anyone old school please help me know...

    Also, how did the Arteezy block come into existence? Why is it called the Arteezy block? Because in some of the old Dota 1 games that I saw, it was still being used, and as far as I know, he didn't play Dota 1... Or did he?


      I'm pretty sure the community decided what hero fitted which role best. Anti mage, needs farm to excel so gets put in the safest lane, invoker who needs exp to flourish goes to mid to benefit, tide who can pressure and survive the enemy support goes to the offlane, and finally which heroes can take the hit and not need as much money as the others? Those become the supports.


        I think in old dota 1 era, midlane hero is hero who have good ultimate, so lion, skywrath, pugna was mid hero by then


          He's using Legacy Keys so my best guess is RTZ played Dota 1. I don't really know how the system worked but all I know is they can put SF Offlane back then.

          mr. rabbit

            yeah and there wasnt any offlane iird in the earlier days too, games were mostly 2-1-2

            doc joferlyn simp


              Dune, the Desert Planet

                Tri lanes, stacking, pulling, rotations, all exited back then if you played at the right places.

                There were funny mechanics, such as corpses. You had to finish farming the camp by xx:48 or corpses would block the spawn.

                Tons of items didn't exist. Nor heroes. At least 20 heroes were added since I started playing. Clock, WR, Kunka, Tusk, Phoenix, AA, Slark, Arc... Many were reworked massively, such as Undying, Storm, Razor. TB and Roof had like 5+ spells changed before they were "balanced"

                Linken had 60s cd. Heart gave 11 HP/sec. Eul had charges. Manta was made from diffu and vit booster. Hex was Eul + Oblivion staff.

                Teleports were used as Glyphs. Towers were invulnerable during teleportation and Glyph didn't exist.

                SnY was an Orb. MKB on ranged heroes was a Buff placer and didn't work with Deso. Or with Weaver's passive. It's because MKB was coded as 100% crit chance with 1x dmg with "cannot miss" option toggled. That's why you could toggle True Strike on and off.

                Map was reworked at least 10 times since I started. Dire mid could pull to easy camp which only spawned one type of creeps, 3 guys with poison spears.

                Meta heroes rotate a lot. Riki was top pick in 6.52 along with KotL. Rhasta, DP, Undying, Necro in 6.57. Morph in 6.60 (massive patch).

                Merlini, Fear, Dendi, Loda, Misery, Kuro, PPY, Demon, Artstyle were all known players. Kuro was sick on mid. PPYs Chen was legendary even 10y ago.

                Support Weaver was a thing ages ago. SK played it, Tompa iirc.

                Member when I first saw lvl 1 Roshan done in a pro game... My stack and me milked that strat in pubs for weeks.

                Just random stuff, will add more if you're interested.

                AL GOYIM

                  good ol lvl 1 roshan rush

                  ROAD TO HERALD 0

                    The history of Dota

                    Did someone say History of DOTA?? 😥


                      Dont forget Pendragon, that hero was by far the ugliest thing in the existence of Dota it sold itself out and is no longer part of Dota.

                      mom said it's my turn to ...


                        EVERYONE HAD THEIR OWN COURIER FOR MAXIMUM BOTTLE EFFICIENCY(and yes, everyone bottle-couriered)

                        doc joferlyn simp

                          I thought Pendragon was a person and not a hero?


                            lol interesting to see how the game evolved.

                            死の恐怖 Haseo

                              *share courier please* *ok, later you upgrade it*


                                @Haffy, it was a joke lol. Pendragon is nothing more than a trash can sellout.

                                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                  @Positive Core Player

                                  Great stuff man, thanks a lot! Some of these points you mentioned are great just for the LULs... Please add more if you have, its actually pretty interesting to read...


                                  Now that you mentioned it, yeah, I remember Arteezy uses legacy keys... So he must have played Dota 1, didn't remember that...
                                  Not sure how the creep block tactic was given his name...

                                  mom said it's my turn to ...

                                    Blink wasnt muted by player damage
                                    NS had permanent 522 movespeed
                                    SK had permanent sandstorm, only on direside though
                                    Invoker had 20+ skills at one point
                                    Before there was dotawtf and other youtube dota highlight reels, we had WoDota(and We Are Electric as official song theme)
                                    LS had a 30 sec bkb, 4+ agi gain per level
                                    Multiple bashers stacked
                                    Bloodstone was a better tarrasque because it also gave hp regen from charges
                                    You can destroy the enemy fountain
                                    Tinker could rearm bkb
                                    Drow was the ultimate manfighter because she kept her bonuses even at close range(ult was a useless chance based 1 hit on creeps though)
                                    WE HAD A CAPSLOCK GUIDE FOR SKELETON KING


                                      ^bro ur full of lie imagine shits go fuck ur mom in ass


                                        ^Go fuck your mom. He's telling the truth. Patch 6.30 or less as far as I can remember some heroes, items, etc are really OP.

                                        Dune, the Desert Planet

                                          Pre 6.50 (I think, or some other patch) you couldn't combine items if you had no slots available. For example: you have Boots, Bottle, Basi, Wraith Band, Slippers and Circlet, if you wanted to buy another Wraith Band you had to drop something from your inventory, then WB would combine.

                                          Killing the courier would drop all items to the ground, you could pick up enemy items and use them. This was changed later, and items were muted. But Bottle, ROH and other shareable items could still be used.

                                          Fountain could be killed. It had 50000 HP and gave no bounty. Certain spells affected the fountain tho. Most notably Frostbite, Fury Swipes and lifesteal from auras (Vlads, WK). So most common strat to do this was Ursa with Vlads and CM.

                                          No matchmaking existed and community was divided between various platforms. Usual starting point was Battle Net public games, but they were full of leavers. Next you had Battle Net leagues which would ban leavers and stuff, but you could just make infinite accounts so they were bad also. Garena was better, you had rooms such as Europe Room 1-50 (?), high level rooms which required certain level for you to enter, leavers were banable tho but general game quality was low.

                                          Dotalicious was an amazing platform tho. They had heavy punishment for leaving and game ruining, and multy accounting was detectable. There were four skill levels (0, 1, 2, 3), you would start at lvl 0 and to advance to lvl 1 you had to play 10 games and win 6 I think. For level 2 you needed more games and certain win rate. For skill level 3 you needed at least 100 games with, I think, 58% win rate. I was top 100 for a brief period of time. Their website was amazing, it tracked all kind of stats such as Couriers killed, Rampages, Double kills, Triple kills, Wards placed, etc. I was hooked on getting 100 couriers killed achievement so I was spamming Furion for a while. Because Courier wasn't invulnerable in fountain you could ez snipe it.

                                          RGC and Darrer were also interesting platforms with better game quality. All of these platforms had reconnect function, but only if your Internet went down. If Warcraft crashed or your PC restarted there was no way for you to enter the game again.

                                          Best game quality, at least for me, was at inhouse leagues based on IRC. To enter those you had to apply via forum with all sorts of info and usually 3 replays of you playing 3 different roles. Also people had to vouch for you. Vouching for a player who later appears to be game ruiner, leaver or just low skilled could result in a ban. Those inhouse leagues were low populated, like 200-300 players so everybody knew each other top heroes, roles, etc.

                                          Players were divided into regular players and leaders. Having leader status allowed you to challenge other leader to a game. That would work via challenge command, for example I type: ".cl Loda" and the bot would announce "Positive Core Players has challenged Loda for a game", so if Loda typed .accept bot would announce that sign up for a game was open. Then all players could type .s to sign for a game. After at least 8 players the leaders could type .ready to begin picking, but often more than 15 players would sign. After both leaders type that they are ready, bot would close the signups and leaders would pick players via the 1-2-2-2-2-1 system. Unpicked players would wait for the next game. Leaders would be drafters and shotcallers ingame, but they could give this position to other players if they wanted. There was MMR to be won, all players would start at 1000 and win/lose certain amounts. Different IHLS used different systems of MMR. Usually there were money or hardware rewards for top 3 or 5 players. Games were were high quality, 1-5 position system was used, agro lanes and dual mids to shutdown enemy mid were common, wards bought on cooldown, etc. There is where I met first pros, played with and versus many of today's star players, known pubers, casters, personalities etc. Dendi, Loda, LoH, V1lat, Merlini, Maelk, Akke, Babyknight, Slahser, Vigoss, Kuro, Puppey, Scandal, Misery, Artstyle, Ryze... Sadly I was in school and didn't have my own PC so I could never play it full time, that's why I'm shit even today LUL

                                          Due to playing Captains Mode only I forgot that Terrorblade even existed, becasue he was out of -cm for a looooong time because of various reworks of his skill set. He had a passive named Zeal which gave HP regen and attack speed. He had weaker version of Pugna's ulty as his first skill, after that he had stronger version of Pugna's ulty becasue it wasn't channeling spell. Reflection was single target spell for a while after it replaced Soul Steal ("pugna's ulty"). Meta was combined with Conjure Image for a while, meaning you would transform and get two illusions. Roof also had many spells reworked. Living armor was passive global aura that gave HP regen during the day, he also had Eyes in the Forest as regular spell, then he had the ability to create trees that worked like Wards (were ez to detect tho, cuz you learn the map very fast, so you had to cut a tree before placing new one).

                                          MKB didn't always give True Strike, so there was no way to counter Evasion for a long time. But Butterfly was only item that provided Evasion (only 25%). PA, BH and Panda had Evasion as skills tho.

                                          PA's Blur would actually blur the PA depending on the level. At level 4 PA would be a shadow only, so new players were annoyed by this as it was very very hard to see her.

                                          All auras had very nice visual effects around the hero carrying the aura. Regarding Blur, those auras effect would fade with PA only if you skilled Blur before buying certain aura item. So it was common thing not to take final level of Blur before buying Vlad's to get the shadow effect.

                                          Magnus had Great Cleave (Sven's passive), Troll and BM had their passives switched, Undying had Heartstopper aura, Storm had Barrier (Hood's active, could be used on another player, blocked 600 dmg at max level). Actually old Undying was totally different hero. He had ability to spawn four zombies that would multiply themselves after certain amouts of hit like Enigma's children do, his heal was the same, had HS aura and ulty was Plague, single target spell that would amp all damage taken on the affected hero. If affected hero came in range of an ally Plague would spread to him too.

                                          Aegis was purchasable in the shop long time ago. Had 3 charges and respawned you in base. Then it got moved to Roshan, but still respawned you in base. After that it got changed so it respawns you at death location. Roshan didn't reclaim it, meaning if unused you could stack multiple Aegieses. I recall one game as WK (SK then) with 3 Aegis and Refresher Orb LUL

                                          Blademail was passive. Gave 20% dmg return for melee attacks. Nyx (Nerubian Assassin back then) had this as passive ability (Carpace now). Blademails were stackable.

                                          Long time ago Roshan was so powerful, it was so hard for a hero to solo kill him. Rosh had passive blademail that prevented melee heroes from killing him. Also very high HP and DMG. He had Hurl Boulder spell (Earth Panda from Primal Split has this), he would throw this if any AoE spells were used around the pit. Very funny situations came out of this, he could stun a key hero in a fight.

                                          Neutrals used to sleep at night. Meaning you could go in melee range of them and they wouldn't agro you. Certain neutrals didn't sleep. To stack the Troll Healer camp you had to agro them w/o damaging them because if damaged the Healer troll would stay in camp and heal. You could do this by missing and AoE spell on purpose near them, eating a Tango or toggling Basi on and off.

                                          I remember when certain items were added. Orchid, Stick, Wand, Vlads, QB, AC, Pipe, Dust. Gem was destroyable and had no cooldown. Stick had no cooldown when it was introduced to DotA and gathered charges from spells cast in fog. Was mandatory item versus Kunka and PotM to detect Torrent/Arrow from fog.

                                          I'm so bored at work.... If you want more I can write it.


                                            I remembered the retarded Capslock guide 4Head

                                            doc joferlyn simp

                                              Tell me more oh elder one

                                              Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                Sven's stun was single target, like WK's today. PA had QoP's Shadow Strike instead of Dagger, QoP also had SS, there were many duplicate spells. PA, CK and Riki all had Blink Strike. Razor and Viper had Frenzy (old MoM, + attack speed, + damage taken). Naga had 45% chance for 1.5x crit instead of Rip Tide. Centaurs ulty was passive, it gave Strength LUL. Cent could deny himself with Double Edge which had mana cost.

                                                Razor had Chain Lightning, Frenzy and Unholy Aura, ulty was passive that dealt damage to everyone around him, kinda like Radiance but much higher damage at higher intervals.

                                                Visage had reverse Dispersion. It would negate certain damage off Visage and heal his allies that are in the AoE. He also had passive which gave damage for each unit that died around him, like Athropy aura does today. Before that he had orb similar to Searing Arrows, gave bonus damage and left no corpse when a unit was killed using it. He could summon lots of Familiars which were ultra weak because of the damage type they used. I recall I denied a tower once using only one level 1 familiar, equivalent of this today would be using the Cobold Taskmaster to deny the tower.

                                                Tinker could refresh Black King Bar up to a certain patch. And ofc it was core item straight after BoTs because perma BKB is fun (not). And you think Tinker was cancer few years ago?

                                                Aghs was made from Soulbooster and Mystic Staff (Octarine today). Because it gave massive INT and raw mana boost, stacking Aghs on OD (after Hex and Dagger) was meta build. As an homage to this build, OD in Dota 2 has responses for buying mutliple Aghs, 2, 3 or even 4 I think.

                                                There was an item called Arcane Ring. Energy Booster, Ring of Protection and recipe. It worked kinda like Arcane Boots before they were introduced. Except it gave shit stats for it's cost. Was rarely seen ingame, unless on Zeus and ES. Or certain support heroes in deathball lineups.

                                                You could dispel Poison Nova by using Ghost Scepter. You could Purge God's Strength and Insatiable Hunger with Diffusial.

                                                Lycan is cancer now? How about when his Wolves had Bash? LUL

                                                Satanic's active lasted for like 20 seconds but only gave 25% additional lifesteal and some bonus dmg.

                                                If well timed Lanaya could spill Dagon damage using Psi Blades. Sounds OP but it's shit actually.

                                                There was a bug in one patch with TA. If you break Meld by not moving or attacking, e.g. toggling PT or Basi, damage would stack up. So do this 10 times and you had 2k damage from Meld.

                                                There was a bug in other patch, you TP with empty Bottle to your fountain and shift que to use Bottle on fountain. Bottle would always auto refill once emptied. This was patched very fast.

                                                When Blademail got reworked, there was a bug that crashed Warcraft for all 10 players. It would happen if two heroes with activated Blademails would damage eachother. An infinite loop of reflecting the damage would cause critical error in Warcraft.

                                                Pudge with a Battlefury was a thing. Because Flesh Heap worked for each creep/hero killed by Pudge.

                                                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                mom said it's my turn to ...

                                                  Hmm, remember when DK in dragon form destroying gem would crash the game? Why was that?

                                                  Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                    ^ Have no idea about that bug. Must have missed it.

                                                    doc joferlyn simp

                                                      How do you remember all this so clearly lmao


                                                        All that he said was true

                                                        Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                          IDK really. Some things are foggy tho... I think there was funny text (kinda like an ester egg) when u toggled Clinkz's ulty on autocast... Or was it Lich's Sacrafice? Can't recall but it had some curse words in it.


                                                            back when mid lion vs sf is a thing.

                                                            doc joferlyn simp

                                                              Oh yeah didn't Lion's hex use to stop the enemy from being able to get XP? Lion just had to hex enemy mid whenever ranged creep dies and he'd be ahead 2-3 levels rofl

                                                              mom said it's my turn to ...

                                                                ^this i didnt know. Speaking of mid matchup though, mirana vs sf was the el classico in PH. Idk about other regions


                                                                  This is a treat to read...

                                                                  Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                                    Before Swarm, Weaver had spell to summon Watchers. They were invis 522ms units with 1hp. He could summon up to 2/4/6/8 Watchers. They were op at scouting. You would set them to patrol certain regions of the map. A cheezy strat was DS + Weaver, putting Ion Shell on Watchers and chasing folks around. Also that sweet feeling of buying Radiance and farming Watchers around the map LUL

                                                                    Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                                      Also I recall in one patch Enrage had 0 cast time, meaning you could use it while moving w/o stopping. Ursa was strong for a brief period of time. And he was a ranged hero with 100 attack range way back in the days. It had something to do with coding of Fury Swipes.

                                                                      d[-_-]b ZeKon <(^^,)>

                                                                        has anyone mentioned that aegis of the immortal was an item you could buy from the shop... it had 3 charges and instead of dying you would respawn back at the fountain


                                                                          has anyone mentioned that aegis of the immortal was an item you could buy from the shop... it had 3 charges and instead of dying you would respawn back at the fountain

                                                                          Positive Core Player is way ahead of you


                                                                            all the longposts above are about not sp distant times btw


                                                                              never forgetti good old 5 null talismans od build


                                                                                I remember that roshan had a chance of dropping some weird item. not 100% sure but i think it gave movespeed, true sight and you didnt drop it when you died. must have been an early 6.xx version. around the time when invoker got added.

                                                                                dazzle was called razzle.

                                                                                there was a hero called gambler and god of wind.

                                                                                lumber was another type of ressource.



                                                                                  switch command = u were able to switch dire players to radiant fraction and vice versa. it was actually a good thing. they should allow this in normal games tbh..

                                                                                  every skill had their own hotkey. sometimes hotkeys from skills overlapped with the hotkey stand still for example (yes storm spirit i hate u still for this!! lololol), so u had to hover over the skill icon with ur mouse if u want to cast it. later on i used a hotkey program, where u could set skill 1-4 to y,x,c,v for example. it felt like a cheat for me and it was enormous advantage. i was able to zap through the map with storm spirits ultimate by just clicking on the map - imagine this ;)..
                                                                                  i still use y,x,c,v for my hero skills in dota 2 :)

                                                                                  back then u could create a flying bird dagon army.
                                                                                  typical chat at beginning: can u buy chicken and share? i upgrade it later -> only those 2 players had control of the chicken lolol. in many games everyone bought their own chicken :)..
                                                                                  i only played on public battle net, and there were no positions. everyone was so bad. i played every hero as carry and had like 80-90% wr, because proper matchmaking wasn'T a thing back than. i learned positions/stacking/pulling etc with dota 2.
                                                                                  if u got a dosconnect in wc3 -> game was over - however later there were some programs to avoid this.

                                                                                  dota was just a fuckin funmap in wc3. we played it between burbenog td, enfo, legion td and all the good maps in wc3. there were 2 or 3 very similar maps to dota in wc3 but in the end dota became so popular, that 2/3 of the gamelist in wc3 were dota games.

                                                                                  every patch had a new beautiful art loading screen.
                                                                                  i can't remember the things so clearly as positive core player, but they are all true and funny :)..
                                                                                  my first dota game i played as clinkz, which hadn'T changed much since than, but i loled so hard at his skill "strafe". i am from austria and speak german and back than i read it as if it were german language - which means sth like "punishment". so i camped behind the enemy hero and waited for ez kill with the skill "punishment" - glorious times haha..

                                                                                  i tried playing dota 1 again last year or sth, but the graphic was killing me.

                                                                                  and if u think flaming is a problem in dota 2, u dont want to know how much we flamed back than. especially when playing drunk with friends.

                                                                                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                                    regarding the loading screens - there were several people drawing them along the history of dota2, the most recognizable artist (=the one who did it for longest period) was named kunkka, and the hero was named after him, if im not mistaking

                                                                                    이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                                                    Bosnian Blade

                                                                                      void chrono was global

                                                                                      Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                                                        To chose a game mode, player in blue slot had to type the command, i.e. -ap for all pick, -cm for captain's mode, etc. You could add various modes such as -om (only mid), -nt (no top), -oi (observer info, to provide additional information for spectators), -so (switch on) etc. But, you didn't need to use that format (dash followed by two letters), you could write a-p for example. For the lulz I used to type full name of the mode with dash at the end, like "captainsmodeobserverinfo-"

                                                                                        Weather and river effects were free for everyone to set up. You just type -water r g b (replace r, g and b with numbers to create color you want). For weather you would type -weather snow, or moonlight or rain. This would affect only you. Other players would have their own weather and river visuals.

                                                                                        To see movement speed of your hero you had to type -ms. -msa to see movement speed of all of your teammates.

                                                                                        Way back you couldn't see your last hits, you had to type -cson to see it.

                                                                                        Before a certain patch came to Warcraft you had to hold ALT to see the health bars. Imagine that? Holding ALT + every hero had different hotkeys.

                                                                                        There were like 5-6 shops in base selling different stuff. Each item had hotkey (this is one of the better things in original DotA, the shop hotkey system was perfect). Except for newbies who would buy Sobi Mask instead of Boots (Mask = b, Boots = s).

                                                                                        If you had Refresher on DK and used ulty while you were in Dragon Form you would transform back to regular DK LUL. BTW he was left handed in DotA (inconsistency in D2!). And he had only one voice line for attacking which was "Foul beast!".

                                                                                        BB and Brood had only 3 voice lines aka pig and weird screeching spider noises.

                                                                                        Silencer had silence aura. You would get silenced for 3 seconds at max level whenever you cast spell near him. GL playing BB versus him.

                                                                                        Old Mana Leak was a debuff that lasted for 20s (?) and if you cast a spell while under the effect you would lose 20/40/60/80% of your mana.

                                                                                        Speaking of KotL, he was notorious split pusher. His ultimate was to summon a wisp who had three spells, to summon healer units, global blink and phase shift. Wisp could summon zillions of those helears. And the CD of Wisp allowed you to have 2 at the same time. With Aghs you would summon two of them.

                                                                                        doc joferlyn simp



                                                                                            Spam Phoenix in Dota 1 when he came out. 9/10 of the game = win haha.


                                                                                              Back then in WC3 FT DOTA when you off the shadows in option PA will be permanently invisible because of blur also Slark is seriously hard to click because of his small character model.

                                                                                              a funk

                                                                                                -em for easy mode: double the rate of passive gold

                                                                                                -rd random draft, heroes in a circle for picking

                                                                                                Each hero primarily showed their name like Lanaya for TA when clicking the hero in game. Except if they were modified/being modified I think? I remember sometimes they had different names.

                                                                                                You could save the courier with Omni's ultimate.

                                                                                                Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                                                                  I remember sometimes they had different names.

                                                                                                  Certain heroes had a chance to get alternate name based on the famous player that was good with that hero (Merlini - Zeus, YaphetS - SF, 820 - Venge), funny names (ClinkZ Eastwood, Puck!), various homages (Vasily Zaytsev - Sniper, Jumong - Mirana).


                                                                                                    This is pretty interesting

                                                                                                    You forgot about Fuzzy wuzzy the bear.