General Discussion

General DiscussionYour ComeBacks from Mega creeps

Your ComeBacks from Mega creeps in General Discussion

    Share your awesome comeback from Mega creeps stories if you have any.


      le enemy team retarded and I destroyed all the ancient while the entire team fights them to death which they won and enemy team started to buyback 2 of them and 2 of them are retreating to defend but its too late I already destroyed all the barracks now its balanced and I won because the enemy team rushed for our ancient and we manage to defend it and the mega creeps pushed and destroyed the ancient.


        I bought sny on jugg
        I feed
        Slark feed
        They throw
        I'm fat
        Slark fat
        They dieback


          Aint a mega creep comeback. But if you wanna see how we almost lost the game you can download it. 1 more LC throne hit and we could have lost.

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            i was aba, losing the whole game, they got megas
            enigma thrown 1 good ult and we won


              i went 7-20 on bloodseeker, bought bf and held off mega creeps by myself until my ember and sb killed everyone.


                Not really comeback.... we were so far ahead that even our supports were lvl 25 by 35 mins.... for some reason we didnt end and we all died then the enemies tpd to creeps and took all our rax.... didnt rly matter since when we respawned we just wiped them and won


                  defending mega creeps

                  4 teamwipes in a row using my refresher chronosphere

                  lose a baserace against mega creeps coz luna went to push instead of def(not blaming her, i didnt tell what to do)

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                  Président® Salted Butter

                    My spec gets no farm for 30 mins, finally gets a radiance, loses all rax, wins all following teamfights, almost throws, buys back, wipes enemy team, finally wins a 94 minute game


                      they had megas and we comebacked

                      Riguma Borusu

                        We lost all rax and T4s, but I was a spectre that also built to counter the enemy team, so I started killing everyone every time they tried to throw their lives at the ancient, ended up counterpushing and winning the game in the end.


                        But it wasn't me being good, my item build and timings are garbage too, it is just that their team was way dumber than mine, even considering we had a jungle shadow fiend who still ended up helping us against megas despite the fact we sold his items after he got an abandon.


                          Wasn't a fucking comeback for me but for the enemy, I carried the game 34-2 but my team thought that if we had mega creeps we don't need to push and let the creeps do the work. Everyone went farming and I was the only one pushing so the enemy saw the opportunity and bought a rapier and basically, we lost. AND IM FUCKING PISSED


                            i dont think ive ever comeback from mega creeps xd


                              Inb4 noobs with the "champions come back" slogan

                              all role player

                                i was noob back then and pick am feed 20 min finish my bf in 30 min because the enemy fat they try to push but because they are all ganking hero like slardar pudge etc they cant push instead they always GANK ME ! ofc i dodge them with my marvelous juke after 10 min trying to gank me they push the tower buttttt my friend pugna is fat and hols the highground another 10 min. im fat am i start killing everyone and pugna report me and i go lp lol

                                Player 153433446


                                  I played slark with two divine rapiers
                                  We had a 12 slotted lone druid
                                  80 minutes game with megacreeps and 20k gold comeback.
                                  Enemy SS talking shit but didnt say much when we where raxing their base down xD...cocky fuckers never win.


                                    When i was sarth spirit i got around 50 assists,we destroyed all their structures except for their ancient and 1 tower, our templar died and bought back and died again, they went straight for our ancient, destroying tier 1 to tier 4 towers in the mid lane ignoring our barracks, magnus and am combo btw.


                                      i was playing lion i bought aghs i push the mega creeps all the way back using my ulty and each other one in my team was doing the same job somewhere else then we won.

                                      Riguma Borusu

                                        2x daedalus MoM TA :(


                                          3 hearts axe in the enemy team.
                                          He was attacking the ancient, wasn't able to kill it because of DPS, but made megas,
                                          We somehow killed him, and won.

                                          6k animal


                                            Combined with sniper, timber, and wk, we defended megas pretty well. After winning 4 teamfights in our own base, we finally caught them out after they used buyback in their own base and pulled through with our WK

                                            Magic Wand


                                              Lose early,mid game
                                              All mega
                                              Lucky turnovers
                                              Core got money
                                              Straight mid end


                                                Just won againts mega creep


                                                  Good thing valve buff halberd
                                                  This spec retarted but lucky we got tinker and lv25 macropyre pierce spell burnnnnn


                                                    Im 2 gud for this shit 2 games 4 rampage