General Discussion

General Discussion4K's May Report for 5K MMR climb

4K's May Report for 5K MMR climb in General Discussion

    +100 MMR for the Month of May
    57% win rate
    Won 15 of 26 Matches

    Luna: 5-1
    Viper: 4-3
    Spectre: 4-6
    Spiritbreaker: 1-0
    Axe 1-1

    I started out the climb playing all over the place picking Ogre Magi, Kotol, etc
    But after below post:

    I started standardizing my picks by revolving around the 5 heroes I mentioned above.
    And it's looking good so far!




    1) If you are climbing - make sure to limit your hero pool to 3-5 heroes only
    2) Be very conscious of every game that you play, and everything you do in each game
    3) Don't play Ranked casually, I typically use Party Queue as a warm-up match before I start Solo queue
    4) Don't get addicted and play for long hours - I get 3 wins in a weekend, then I stop and just play Party Queue if I still want to have some fun

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    me, government hooker
      이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.

        so whats the point of this thread?

        Fee Too Pee

          why the fuck u had a fucking midas on Axe?


            Lol. I gained +150 MMR in 2 days by randoming.


              Curious: Why Viper?


                ^ good vs shits, bad vs goods



                  Below was my blog entry that game

                  LOSE, back to 4120
                  Axe Jungle
                  K-D-A: 3-11-5
                  GPM: 371
                  XPM: 403
                  Played like a cancer this game coz Slark stole my lane. Nothing to do.
                  I want to play 1 more for revenge but I remember what happened last week when I got -50 MMR just before going to sleep.
                  I'll end it at this and probably play part ranked or something.
                  Til next week again!

                  @Skim if someone will jungle in team or if I'm forced to pick early or if there are no reliable supports then I see Viper as a safe pick with less maintenance required from supports

                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                    lol i gained 1000 mmr in may


                      (dont pick viper)

                      Cheap Laugh Guy

                        I play VS Sky Shaman Ogre Veno Silencer and broke through 4.2k
                        and realized that the mid hero I play is only Lina
                        carry is Ursa Morph
                        jungler Blood
                        and I don't know any offlaner
                        and so I smurf to learn some Tide


                          viper carry feels awsful


                            @Cheap Laugh Guy narrow your hero pool further. Try limiting it to 3-5 heroes


                              forever 4kler goes on a sudden winning streak
                              goes on to make a list of tips how to win in solo ranked

                              hmm i almost feel like i've seen this before somewhere :thinking:


                                viper is really dogshit

                                Cheap Laugh Guy

                                  I used to have full 6 Pokémons in party and played five gens that way so this hero pool size is EZ for me


                                    viper's not that bad if you go midas on him


                                      I just fucking finally entered 4k after getting 8 abandons in 30 games, low priority, wi-fi problems and retards in every game.
                                      I've spammed Nightstalker mid, Alchemist safelane, Axe and Undying solo offlane in most of my 3k games but since Undying's tombo got nerfed and Alche isn't as good as he used to be anymore now I don't know what hero is good to spam.
                                      I've been playing a lot of supports lately, like Shaman, Pugna and Disruptor, and it's going pretty well so I think I'll stick to this kind of picks and mix them with some offlane pick, being it my primary role. Long story short I have no fucking idea what to spam but Viper meh... Luna on the other hand seems pretty solid.


                                        My Viper build as I have posted in a previous topic

                                        Let me write 2 ways to play viper in SAFE LANE:
                                        1. As a Right Click Carry
                                        2. As a Tanker
                                        Right Click Carry
                                        Early Game
                                        - Phase Boots, Manta, Aquila, Drops
                                        - The whole idea is with Viper's very strong lane control and low maintenance required from support, you'll have huge level advantages comparable to the mid heroes since you can manage to run a 2-1-2 or a position 4 jungler.
                                        - Why Phase Boots? It provides you better lane control with the chase potential and extra damage. You'll be a little tanky than others because of 3rd skill and with your 2nd skill, you can kill int and AGI heroes in about 4 right clicks. With another disabler, you can kill high HP STR heroes.
                                        - Why Midas? He lacks flash farm ability. You need to cash in his lane dominance and the best way to do it is through Midas.
                                        Mid Game
                                        - Dragon Lance, Yasha, Pike/Maelstrom
                                        - Dragon Lance is enough tankiness. From here on out, Viper should be built with focus on Attack Speed. A casual Yasha gives a lot of DPS - depending on enemy lineup, this could be upgraded to Manta. The decision between going for Pike/Maelstrom depends on the situation. Generally, the former is suitable for defensive purposes or better teamfight positioning while the latter gives you extra DPS.
                                        Late Game
                                        - Mjolnir, Agh's Scepter, Butterfly/AC, Shard
                                        - Mjolnir addresses viper's lack of AOE skill while granting extra Attack Speed. Level up +16 AGI talent and you'll be a very strong right clicker in the late game.
                                        - I have become an advocate of building Aghs (replace Aquila). The extra ult range and being able to cast it multiple times in long drawn out fights has been very underrated but very strong.
                                        - and yes, so far, I have always taken +armor over viper strike dps.
                                        - i almost always choose +75 range as well but poison affects buildings definitely has its place
                                        The critical path of Viper cores is during mid game. If your early game dominance doesn't lead you to win mid game clashes or at least keep your levels up, then this allows enemy cores to catch up to your levels. And this becomes the part where people say that Viper is useless after the laning phase.


                                          - Dragon Lance is enough tankiness. From here on out, Viper should be built with focus on Attack Speed. A casual Yasha gives a lot of DPS - depending on enemy lineup, this could be upgraded to Manta. The decision between going for Pike/Maelstrom depends on the situation. Generally, the former is suitable for defensive purposes or better teamfight positioning while the latter gives you extra DPS.
                                          Late Game

                                          X D

                                          one syllable anglo-saxon

                                            thanks for the guide mr. "i got 25 mmr from playing viper"!


                                              can we get a new rule that bans idiots on a week


                                                before you say that, im gladly willing to sacrifice myself to pull at least 5 current posters with me


                                                  i dont see the problem here. he's sharing his own experiences and trying to help others and discusses nicely.
                                                  if anything, anybody that comes in here trying to derail the topic or discourage him is a bigger nuisance.

                                                  If you guys think his contribution isn't up to your standards, ignore it. If you keep commenting on it, you'll only encourage it and let it stay at the top of the page


                                                    and trying to help others and discusses nicely

                                                    i could same the same about phantom riki and he got permabanned, quality of his and op's advices is kinda similar
                                                    except that phantom riki posting was actually fun

                                                    if you actually cared about helping others you'd just filter low mmr posters and pin up kitrak's/jdf's/ywn's/etc posts but instead you allow 1k degenerates to flood every single gameplay related thread

                                                    이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                    i have 5 reports to use

                                                      Viper is a tower killing carry tank. Don't go manta or aghs go pike butterfly satanic and you win.

                                                      one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                        can we please just get the ability to hide threads/users already?
                                                        i dont want to see this morons personal blog especially since he keeps buffing himself every day


                                                          o pike butterfly satanic

                                                          x D


                                                            i like how when mods appear somewhere and someone mentions phantom riki, they're never to be seen in that thread again
                                                            maybe we should put these words on every first post on a new page in ayy lmao so they don't check the thread? :thinking:


                                                              like when you pour your salt under windows and doors as a protection against evil

                                                              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                                이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.


                                                                  basement :)

                                                                    You have been 4k for 2 years. Give it up.

                                                                    chicken spook,,,,

                                                                      You don't want diox's gay porn to get noticed by mods? :thinking:


                                                                        Viper is shit and you are shit. I haven't played Viper consistently in nearly 2 years, Once you get out of trench you realize how trash the hero is. Been dying to play him in my trash 3k INT RANKED GAMES THO FOR EZ WINS but LUL


                                                                          You don't want diox's gay porn to get noticed by mods? :thinking:

                                                                          as long as it keeps the thread alive, i'm pretty ok with it


                                                                            If I stabilize my Viper play I'll shatter all haters