General Discussion

General DiscussionSomeone can tell me why I'm stack in High Skill ..

Someone can tell me why I'm stack in High Skill .. in General Discussion
Captain Heri

    How to improve and become VHS player?



      Captain Heri

        Im asking how? :)




            You mean stuck?



              get gud


                get gud



                  By smurfing , Oh wait...


                    Hei i a smerf . I smerf cuz mi tim in 1k hol me bak . I wan tu calibret hier but valve stil put hevy tim for mi . Is tis rael laif


                      Try playing supports, i personally spammed earth spirit when i learned to play that hero, position 4 supps and gank all the time, thats what i did

                      chicken spook,,,,

                        By playing like one 👌

                        chicken spook,,,,

                          Sick AM btw

                          死の恐怖 Haseo

                            by having 3700+ avg mmr games?


                              Go make another account, you cant get to vhs using that account since all your games are all in high skill recently, you need to get vhs in your first 10 games and you must play consistently to get to vhs.


                                by trading your betamax to a vhs

                                Story Time

                                  maybe start with changing the nickname, otherwise it answers your question right away


                                    VHS is cancerrrrrrrrr

                                    chicken spook,,,,

                                      Dota is cancer*


                                        I watch my own replays and figuring out what I did wrong. Even games I win. Watch guides, then apply the dos and don'ts to my replays, then give myself a kind of "homework" to improve on on my next games. I also play a variety of heroes when I want to grind my game sense skill, or just a few heroes if I want to grind my mechanical skill. Also, I've found overthrow to be a pretty good excersize in mechanical skill, and also to learn to take in a lot of information on screen in a second.

                                        I rarely blame my team for losses. Even on the off chance that it really is their fault and I did well. Always ask what you could have done better. KDA/GPM/XPM good but still lost? Who cares, ask yourself if you could have been a leader in that game. If someone else is having a rough early/mid game, ask them to gank with you and score some kills. Get teamates to kill side towers if the enemy sits as 5 mid waiting for something to happen, punish that shit. Don't let your team sit around for something to happen.

                                        But whatever, I'm a normal skill scrub, so I'm probably wrong.

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