General Discussion

General DiscussionThis is very stupid by valve.

This is very stupid by valve. in General Discussion

    whether you are going to get abandon or not depends on your team. This is very idiotic
    i had to dc from a game that i single handedly carried. I told my team to pause the game, and then i dced for 5-6 minutes and i came back, i didnt notice that i got an abandon. So i kept playing, i got rampage as soon as i reconnected and ended the game (i played 22-1 btw). But then i noticed that every idiot in my team got +25 mmr and i got an abandon, -25 mmr and low prio that i single handedly carried. Because my team didnt pause just for 1 minute. Valve should implement another system for disconnected players. Your faith totaly depends on your team. I only needed just 1 of them to pause, but they kept playing :/