General Discussion

General Discussionlina players

lina players in General Discussion
General Asim Muneer

    i am playing this chick a lot and i am lovin it... ques is... linas build are all over the place ... what do u guys prefer against what kind of lineup? like there are phase boots or arcane, euls or no euls, aghanims, bloodthorn, daedalus, A.lens... how to choose


      the build for me is bottle into wand into sr into raindrop into bloodstone into sb/travels in whatever order into situational and luxury, even sb is situational


        I actually once got destroyed by a lina basher ... not saying the item is even remotely viable... but you can go for damage item and become a right click powerhouse if u find ur team lacking physical damage


          support lina. go ward

          Cheap Laugh Guy

            I only play Euls Aether Aghs Lina, and it's bad coz it's an outdated build. But it's a fighting build so I like it xD
            But pros go Bloodstone ShadowBlade BoT so they can get BKB Daedalus Aghs later to stay longer dishing out insane damage in fights
            SB is not situational anymore, it's more like in the standard list
            Don't buy Bloodthorn

            You just TP somewhere far away with 5 enemies appearing on the other side of the map and start split pushing with +80 Light Array damage (they pick that solely to farm/split push faster because Bloodstone) then threaten tower with +50 damage
            If something feels off and your map awareness tickle just Shadow Blade away and TP again in trees


              So Lina is a chicken now 😂😂


                I stay with brown boots and rush bloodstone every game. Then i choose wether im going to go for euls or not or bkb. If im going full defensive ill have a euls bkb and shivas and that seems to be enough so that I never die. I've never gone daedulus but if u can afford to go bloodthorn its so strong to the point where if u have one you are almost certaibly going to win. Oh and MKB is amazing aswell for the bash and high ground pushing or against any kind of evasion, I find myself picking it up pretty often after my shivas and bkb. Did I mention Shivas is good? I go for it every game basically.


                  Oh yea. And i go shaodow blade after bloodstone or BoTs depending on if im going to be fighting or farming


                    You can go for so many different builds on lina compared to other heroes just go for different items and see what you like best.