General Discussion

General DiscussionStarting Up A Stream

Starting Up A Stream in General Discussion

    Let's cut the crap for non streamers. I am starting up a stream soon on twitch. I'm here to just ask for you guys to follow me : k3_dd
    Its a pic of a reticulated snake ( sketch type )
    I will keep working on improving my stream and gameplay.
    No, there's no tip jar. Im doing this to just feel connected.
    The stream includes gameplay and some really nice ed/rap music.
    - What output resolution do you use? And does my monitor affect that?


      no offense, but you are currently 2k mmr.
      Most people watch streamers because ......

      they are higher MMR so they may learn tips and tricks, positioning etc.
      They also watch because most streamers play HC or Mid,(Invokers TA ,QOP,OD) and want to learn those heros since everyone wants to play MID.
      They may not get that from a 2k player so therefore why watch you over Waga, Cancel or any other high mmr player/streamer?

      Therefore, why not increase your MMR before you start a stream? I get you want to feel connected but perhaps twitch isn't the vessel to fill that need.
      I mean if you want to go for it, go for it dude. If you have lots of friends to watch you then great, but for the most part I wouldnt' expect to have many viewers and it may be a wasted effort of time /money.

      Anyways just my 2 cents, good luck if you do stream.


        - What output resolution do you use? And does my monitor affect that?

        i suppose that anything else than 16:9 will look weird
        other than that you need to downscale it depending on your internet connection and processing power

        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
        Player 345068850

          ^he has a point
          But maybe someone out there wants to watch us 2k play and have a laugh at our games


            Actually Most ppls watch streams because of tits.


              Therefore, why not increase your MMR before you start a stream? I get you want to feel connected but perhaps twitch isn't the vessel to fill that need.

              wrong approach, your stream needs to be fun.

              you won't get more than dozen of viewers if you're a new streamer offering nothing but gameplay while being anything below 7k mmr

              on the other hand if you make your stream entertaining and you get some connections, more people will watch even when you're 2k (maybe even more so)

              or just be a woman, although lately im noticing a longterm viewer drop around camwhoring so maybe humanity isn't done for yet

              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다



                  Guys guys guys. I forgot to include that this would be after I achieve vhs and stuff, it would just be a perk if I got some followers whether you guys watch or not. I need to get a new monitor anyways, so I was wondering if output reso is affected by the monitor. And no I don't have cross dress skills like febby does. So I can't possibly have tits or look like a girl. But other than that, thanks for your responses :) i gat maself a 5k coach in SEA. Sis's friend, so I hope things go well with the coaching which will begin in 3 weeks. As for now I got exams. Thanks again :)

                  And wait a second, isn't that ybicanoov guy like 1.7k or something? And he has 10k viewers. Or am I wrong? But his stream is fun tho

                  >Easy Money.

                    lol u are funny as fuck.

                    id be down to help u with gameplay if ur 5k coach doesn't pan out for u : )

                    Potato Marshal

                      Yeah, the only way you can garner views with 2k matches is if you're:

                      -An established internet personality like Totalbiscuit
                      -You're someone like Purge who breaks down what they're doing wrong
                      -You're a girl

                      This is going to take a long time though if you're only planning on streaming after you gain 1500 MMR though.

                      Story Time

                        it is not his mmr but his poor win rate that makes me wonder, wtf is this guy thinking about himself? Shall we all watch him feed or smth? But then most of my cancer bracket are anyway feeding idiots, and i see them so much that i can not really wish for more


                          so I was wondering if output reso is affected by the monitor

                          i dont think so
                          theoretically you could even render higher resolution than you're playing at even though it doesnt make any sense


                            If you can outmeme everyone in dota's twitch stream you should be able to garner viewers.